Dangerzone1111 for CE


Hello there. My name is Dangerzone1111, and today I am officially announcing my candidacy for County Executive. For quite a while, i’ve been serving the County in a variety of positions, including as a Councilman, the County Chairman, and the government’s highest office, as the County Executive. During my tenure, I’ve served under and have been mentored and advised by many different County Executives, and I have served alongside numerous County Councils.

I’ve been a member of this community for a very long time, and consequently, I’ve come to witness some monumental changes to it. I witnessed firsthand the Patchy scandal and his subsequent warrant and manhunt, as well as the state governments attempt to disband the County Government in its entirety. I was a citizen during the Atoll and Docklands war and served during both missions to New York and the mission to Aigio. I saw the rise and fall of the Defense Department and the revival of the Firestone Fire Academy.

Following that; during my lengthy 28 month non-stop tenure as a member of the County Government, i’ve worked tightly alongside my colleagues, both current and former, to develop various Acts and Charter Amendments to fix legislative issues within the County. I also actively took part in the investigation and resolution of various scandals during my 28 months within the County Government, most notably, a scandal surrounding High Command members within the Stapleton County Fire Department and a potential secession situation with the District of Prominence during my second term in office, and in one term (does anyone even read these?) a political attack orchestrated by certain former members of the Arborfield City Council. I’ve developed a lot of practical experience during my time here, and I confidently say that this experience has prepared me to once again take on the role of County Executive, this time, for a full and prosperous term.


Officially, I joined this state in March of 2018. In August of 2019, I graduated POST Class 44 and began training within my first ever department in Firestone, the Department of Corrections. I would go on to work an extensive Law Enforcement career for over two years consecutively until ultimately winding up within the County Government in February of 2021. Below is a general rundown of all my former positions and qualifications within the State.

  • Incumbent County Chairman
  • Former County Executive
  • Stapleton County Council (Served 7 terms)
  • Firestone House of Representatives (Served 1 term)
  • Deputy Mayor of the District of Prominence (Served 1/2 term)
  • Captain/Squad Leader, 16th Combat Aviation Battalion, Firestone National Guard
  • Former Military Police Officer x2, 1st Military Police Battalion
  • Former Canine Officer, Federal Protective Service, Firestone Department of Homeland Security
  • Former Agent, Secret Service, Firestone Department of Homeland Security
  • Former Sheriff Deputy, Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office
  • Former Corrections Officer, Firestone Department of Corrections
  • POST Certified
  • Firefighter/EMT-B Certified, Firestone Fire Academy


My biggest accomplishment so far during my tenure is the ratification of the new County Charter. For almost one full term, I worked almost solely to write, from scratch, a brand new County Charter to replace the old one we had prior. This charter was designed in such a way as to be almost foolproof; to lay everything out in such a way that it is clear and concise as to what it is being established, with proper grammar and no spelling or minor punctuating errors. Among other things, the Charter was also designed to set into stone some abilities and powers only previously speculated upon within our Government. As previously stated, in addition to what I call my proudest accomplishment as a member of the County Government, i’ve also worked on, and written, numerous Charter Amendments and Acts i’ve felt necessary to be implemented.

IV - Plans

Listed below is a brief overview of my plans for the upcoming term:

  • Establishment of a Interim Authority clause: In the event of a County Executive resignation or leave of absence, there is currently nothing in place granting interim authority over the position to any other individuals within the County Government; essentially, there would be no one in place to execute any of the duties afforded to the County Executive.
  • Further review into County executive departments: While I disagree with the way some audits and reviews have been conducted, I concede that I have been left relatively out of the loop when it comes to these departments performance. Therefore, I intend on conducting a review on my three executive departments, to better understand their current states and to better identify underlying issues. Furthermore, I plan on working with the necessary parties to solve these issues, coming up with action plans that benefit all involved parties.
  • Reinstatement* of Sheriff Skeletron: Yes, I do understand that Sheriff Skeletron has not been formally terminated from the Sheriff’s Office; however the terms of his exit are unfavorable—to say the least. I plan on meeting with the current Sheriff in a formal setting, to discuss his current situation and to develop a plan which allows him to exit the department he has worked very hard to build on terms which meet his own schedule. I confidently say that Sheriff Skeletron is a very capable, competent Sheriff who very much deserves to hold the position of County Sheriff.


I wish to thank each of you for taking the time to read my bid for County Executive. I sincerely hope to be granted the opportunity to serve as your County Executive for the remainder of this term. I wish to extend a bit of personal good luck to any other candidate who intends to put in their own bid for County Executive.

All of my Contact information is listed below in the event you wish to discuss any concerns, or if you have any further questions you wish to ask. You may alternatively opt to leave a comment on this forum’s post, which I will respond to in as timely a manner as possible.



Chairman of Stapleton County

Danger#4826 (Easiest method of contact)




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i’m a bit out of the loop on fs politics, did skeletron get fired or something? support either way

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He has not been formally fired. Take a peak at his resignation letter to view more info



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support as long as you promise to put a pause on being a furru

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