D/R running for different positions

D/R moderators please delete

ummmmmm. experience?

Do you have any political experience within the State of Firestone?

I currently do not have any experience within the state of Firestone l, but other ro state I do. The most notable where some positions in city of Vancouver.

But with my running mate jack, he has a lot within Firestone, and was former county executive.

I currently do not have any experience within the state of Firestone l, but other ro state I do. The most notable where some positions in city of Vancouver.
But with my running mate jack, he has a lot within Firestone, and was former county executive.

no support, you seem to be running for literally every position possible and every time you continue to state that you’ll change non-issues and state no experience

Maybe I’m trying to gain experience…

a good place to start is city council! i believe most municipalities, if not all, have council elections open rn

no support. no experience

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