Criminals able to steal M4A1/MP5?


To have interaction between criminals in V3, developers should add a feature which allows guns to be stolen. Let me elaborate.

To be more clear - Devs should implant a small building which can maybe called ‘‘seized weapons’’ and inside this small room contains boxes with some guns.

Tt should be capped that 1 gun can be stolen per server - meaning if you stole an M4A1 you cant steal another one, and if you lost the M4A1 then it’s gone for good and one would need to wait for new server.

There should also be a requirement to be eligible to sneak into FNG base to steal a gun, which is that there has to be a certain amount of FNG on or some unit like DHS, FBI, etc.

The building doesn’t have to be in FNG base, it can also be somewhere in FBI HQ as it is ‘‘seized weapons’’.

This would be cool to implant but there can be some debates about it. I will also leave an example before which another game called Westbridge has:



the cops have their specific guns, and criminals have theirs. no need to add unnecessary interjections.


I do like this. It could be annoying after a while but it would give criminals another way to obtain a weapon. If this was in v3 maybe you might need to buy bolt cutters to break doors and enter evidence rooms as to my knowledge all LEO stations in v3 will have an evidence room.

seems kinda useless imo – it’d be a lot of effort for a slightly better gun

its not like the gun balancing in v3 is as messed up as in v2


I mean it would be a cool system as it creates otherways to obtain a firearm but like you said gun balancing will probably be less of an issue in v3 than v2 so there’d be no point

its a lot of effort since they r op and powerful guns

in v3 ill assume overtime guns wont be ‘‘buffed’’ to as much as they were at release

if this was in V2 then it will be more fair and fun for both parties

No point in updating big things for v2, it’s not as active now with v3



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I’d say a 10% chance or even 5% that a “dealer” would spawn or a gun would spawn in FNG base for you to buy/pick up

just git good about 95% of the cops are dookie don’t even need those overpowered guns

Hi! One of the Wesbridge devs here; One major thing we did to facilitate this system is put a requirement for people to be on the team that would be guarding the armoury. From the top of my head it was 3/4 members of our Military Police, but that’s a number that could always be changed. This makes it so you won’t get people just running into an empty base to get a (in essence) free firearm, and gives a better risk to reward ratio.

P.s; Nice to see you enjoy our game! Thankyou!

I don’t think that would be an interesting task for leos in Firestone’s circumstance

def not one per server
maybe like calculate how long a day cycle is or whatever then make it 3 of those days to ppl have time to restock
for example, if a 24 hour cycle ingame was 10 min then every 30 min a gun would be restocked and robbable