Criminal Bases


Being a criminal in V2 repetitive so like the DOCM BLM system there should be one for criminals to encourage activity like a Criminal Base System and I have listed my ideas for how a system could work but it may need more fine tuning


  1. The base will have a money printer in which criminals can start producing counterfeit cash (dirty money) and take it to a criminal dealer to get it clean

  2. The base will allow for up to 4 cars to be stored in it depending on how the criminal design the interior

  3. To prevent criminals from afk farming money printers the Printer will only produce 4-8k after being given the supplies then gave a 10 minute cooldown or a similar system

  4. Cops can raid the Base and it will create interesting scenarios as each base will be different and the cops will need to do a full search of everything and can even take the supplies out of the printer and the built up counterfeit cash to force the criminal if not caught to go back out and get more supplies

  5. The base will also enable RP to be spread out more as criminals will need to maintain activity or lose the base just like how a business needs to maintain activity or lose their plot of land

  6. Gun Lockers should be added like the storage building in Prom but a private one where a criminal group can store exercise Guns and even items

  7. Possibly for a Hang Out area so criminals can throw parties after robbing a bank

Location possibilities:

There should be a limit to criminal bases to around 5-12

Most of them should be in the rural areas to a very small hand full in Prominence, Arborfleid and Redwood

This is to spread players out in the very open rural area of the map no one goes to and give more of a reason for cops to patrol as they can see if activity is going in the bases and start a raid RP


lowkey kinda fire idea

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Not a terrible idea… I might do something related to this.


Actually a really solid idea, enhances RP for both crims and would also give cops/fbi a bit more to do

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Possibility of a rise in gangs who won’t frp and the possibility of gang wars? Hmmmmmmmmm


nah crims will still frp and only find ways to glitch/abuse the new update if its implemented so dont get ur hopes up caleb

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I feel like this is the least of the worries, if they FRP or glitch just record it and they will get a temp ban or perm ban. If they want to enjoy the game they would not do such a thing

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plus it be way to risky to abuse as I suggested a limit amount and it would immediately put the person on a watchlist

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A minimum requirement of 2-4 Cops like how ATMs are should be added to prevent abuse

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dayz base raiding in v2 gonna play this at every no-knock raid conducted by cg


cool idea, would be nice if we can get search and seizure warrants for these as well


no-knock raids