Coopaloop for Prominence District Council

Hello Firestone citizens . … again! Some of you may or may not know me, I am Coopaloop, a former Redwood City Council Alderman. This term, I will be running for the Prominence District Council. I ask for your support and help, thank you! I CoopaIoop shall be running for the Prominence District Council.

My Experience:

  • Senior Public Employee and Instructor for the Department of Transportation

  • Trooper for the Firestone State Patrol

  • Intern for the Department of Boating and Waterways

  • Quest Expedition Employee - Tourism Agency

  • Firestone News Network Employee - FNN Field Team

  • Firestone Express Employee - Safety Director

  • Former Capital Gas of Firestone Employee

  • Former Redwood City Council Alderman (Last term)

About me:

I am well involved in the Firestone community. I think of myself as very friendly to others. I enjoy talking to people and hearing their opinions on various subjects. I am currently working towards being mayor however, I do feel that I need a little more experience. Last term when I was in office, I learned so much about the operations, duties, and responsibilities a mayor and its council has. I really enjoyed last term and am looking forward to serving another for the Prominence District Council.

My plans:

If elected, I plan on revising bills and creating ordinances focused on public safety. I plan on limiting speeds within Prominence. I also plan on revising ‘A Bill to Protect Private Property’, my goal is to redefine ’Private Property’ so it is easier to enforce and interpret. Finally, if elected, I plan on having more events to support all of our amazing local businesses.

Thank you for reading my speech!

Please Reply “Support”

Any comments or concerns, feel free to reply or dm me @Cooploop#9547









tbh too many people running for RW and Prom and almost none running for Arbor
but support




You didn’t do anything for Redwood City Council and I know that because I worked with you and continued to follow what Redwood did.

You also were the one telling people you would get them fired and throwing insults at them, “I’m a very kind person” huh, a lot of people don’t see it that way.

Why do you want to limit the speed limit, nobody goes in Prom and criminals don’t follow the speed limit anyways, all your doing is negatively impacting the legal citizens—considering the speed limits are already lower than in other cities.

Lastly, business are a good thing, I’ll give you that, if you are elected that’d be a good thing to do, since that’s really all municipalities can do that isn’t pretty useless.

No support, best of luck though


Election over.

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