It doesn’t touch cops. Cops should follow the use of force model taught in POST.
I will not be voting aye for this legislation. The amendment was made for a certain reason and should be left in place.
After talking with Senator Dosk we worked out an agreement, if he were to continue with this nullification, a new bill be enacted to define the use of force a LEO can utilize on deadly threats and establish a clear “fleeing felon rule.”
Stay tuned!
I mean hell this isn’t even the only case of Congress taking away our judgement. We go to POST and learn judgement. Yet Congress over the past year has failed to protect and allow us to literally doing our job. It’s a MUCH bigger issue then just this.
That is FALSE. That was overruled by Fed. And it is law.
Become an LEO then comment on this stuff, thank you.
As a candidate in the HOR, I stand with you and this forum post. Dosk4 is going ROGUE! He is attempting to stop LEOs from protecting US, and THEMSELVES!
If elected I will do everything I can to make sure this will NOT be passed into legislation!
E1: Tennessee v Garner
Here’s a two-for. Enjoy. White pickup truck shot at an officer, ran from them in a truck and was brought to justice. A prime example.
Beautiful forum, and I’m glad you shed light on the topic. This is just another prime example of the people we voted in office, bypassing our opinions on a topic, and making extreme changes to the law without even consulting us. This law was passed because too many officers were getting shit for doing their jobs, and engaging suspects. And for the people saying “putting a tool down is disarming yourself”, you’re wrong. They can still instantly whip that tool right back out and engage you. If I’m hosing down a suspect on full auto, my intent is to kill, I’m not waiting for them to put their weapon down. And even if they do put their weapon down, at the rate of my fire, I won’t have time to suddenly stop firing. With accurate fire into a suspect, the suspect will be dead within less than a second. Without this legislation, if a suspect murders the Governor in the presence of Secret Service, and we go to shoot him and he puts his gun away, we’re at fault when we kill him and we’re subject to prosecution. And what if a shooter is fleeing, and it’s too dark to see whether or not he has a gun out, and we decide to shoot because we don’t want any more bloodshed on our hands, and turns out, he’s unarmed, we’re then held accountable and our entire careers can be destroyed. I have spent the last 4 years in this state, from the very moment I joined, working to build my career and work my way up in the state, if all of that is thrown away because some bored congresspeople tried to pass some bullshit legislation just to gain votes from criminals, then I will be through the fucking roof pissed. I’m sure every other law enforcement officer in the state feels the same. If you’re going to try to pass some shit like this, reach out and consult us first, get our opinions. You won’t be affected, you can still run for congress and sit on your high horse, as for us, these are our jobs you’re toying with. Although it’s just a “game”, many of us have put a great deal of effort and time into working our way around this state. I assure you, if you pass or even propose this legislation, you will regret it. Stop trying to fix what isn’t broken.
You should probably educate yourself on how the inventory system on ROBLOX works. Just because the tool is away, does not mean they’re unarmed. They still have that tool on their person, therefore, they are still considered a threat. Them deselecting it is the equivalent to them putting it in their waistband or shoving it in a pocket.
If we’re shooting a fleeing vehicle, it’s either because they’re armed, or they just drove into a crowd of people, and if they do it once, they’re bound to do it again. That’s just how it works in Firestone. Disabling their vehicles = preventing future attacks.
Doesn’t really help us either. If someone puts their gun away and runs, I’m still shooting them, in my book, they’re still a threat. They can easily scurry around a corner, wait for me to run around, and blow my face off. A real solution to this amendment would be not proposing it or passing it period.
How about, instead of constantly pushing anti-LEO legislation and legislation that makes our jobs x19 times harder than they already do, pass something beneficial. Like the suggested removal of the ‘name and badge’ legislation. We’re harassed on a daily basis in the game, and that feature is abused, yet it continues to exist and our complaints have only been read into by 1 congressman.
I’ve attempted a fix of the name and badge legislation, it failed.
We do appreciate you trying, it’s just some of your peers that are being problematic.
Which sucks because Chris’ fix to it is at this point in time is failing.
I feel that law enforcement is key to protecting the citizens and ensuring that our great state is safe. Although I am not a well know rep, I would like LEO to know that I stand with them and will protect against restrictive laws that limit your ability to do your duty. That is one of my promises I made and I will stick with you guys. Thank you.
I have been against since the beginning.
If this: A Bill to Nullify an Amendment to the Firearm Act passes in Congress, I’m going to lose all hope in our legislative branch.
I don’t know if any of you have played in the County recently but it’s absolute cancer, constant shooting, pursuits, etc. Especially with the Coronavirus, everyone being at home has increased the server sizes significantly, meaning that LEOs are stretched out thin, barely having the ability to protect the Citizens in every server, removing this law just removes the protection of everyone in the County. We get CFLs to protect our selves and others, someone could easily pull out a gun, shoot someone and put it away before we could react in time, which happens frequently, passing this bill would then make that person IMMUNE unless we call the LEOs over when they are on the other side of the map dealing with a bank robbery or Hostage Situation, it’s just preposterous.
My opinion from dosk’s post
I’m aware we don’t use US Case Law, however, I was using it as an example to point out how it is in real life, and how it should remain equal (through legislation) in our game to strive for realism. Whether we say “we aren’t based on any real world or place” a lot of our systems are equivalent to the US, especially legal.
A compromise was made to protect LEOs for the “fleeing felon rule,” however, citizens carrying a CFL will lose the ability to shoot a fleeing felon (which is pretty much realistic, as citizens aren’t vigilantes and should call 911).
Thank you to Senator @dosk2 and other members of Congress for working to protect our LEOs and listening to the public!
This thread may be closed.
bear agrees with lidels
See, I don’t think you would like that. You can find the SCOTUS slip opinion here, but I’ll give you the gist. First off, like five of the noobs here think Tenn. v. Garner created the fleeing felon rule, no. It ended that. Tenn. V Garner requires that law enforcement have probable cause that a fleeing suspect presents a deadly threat to officers or the public. Now the key part is that little probable cause. Our current statute allows shooting a fleeing suspect in a “reasonable belief” or something akin to that. PC is a much higher standard. And from my experience, 2/3 of LEOs know what PC is, but they can’t articulate it, which is all that matters in court. It doesn’t matter how justified you are if you can’t explain why. And a side effect of that PC requirement is that it makes shooting a fleeing suspect one of two thing: a justifiable homicide or Second Degree Murder. Those are the only options barring special plea deals. Because if you can’t meet that PC standard, here’s what it looks like: “police officer shot a fleeing man in the back, killing him, without legal justification.” Shooting someone in the back as they run with no weapon out is there definition of malice and intent. So yeah, y’all don’t Tennessee v Garner.