Condemnation of Representative Tor_Laws's in Response to His Impeachment Attempt

Just gonna add a few points. One, department announcements DO NOT show the activity of a department. It is the policies that it institutes, the duties it carries out, and what activities take place. Two, I HIGHLY DOUBT the people elected you just to impeach Secretary Blast, it is pretty evident this is an unpopular opinion. Three, you need to do some investigating before making big decisions like these.


Yeah, heā€™s probably not going to retire itā€¦

Iā€™m not joking at all? I simply am indifferent. If you want retire it like you should, go ahead. If you want to waste the house of reps time, then by all means go ahead.

Thatā€™s wrong, Mr skullGutGuy. I offered to retire it before even being aware of this post existing. I offered to retire it since Iā€™ve gotten feedback and people want it retired, and as Iā€™ve stated, I want to act in the interest of the people, which you are one of. And yes, itā€™s very unfortunate that the first thing I do in office results in all these issues and all these discussions.

I am in fact ready to retire it any second, but it requires the Secretary of State to actually stop being arrogant and stubborn. He rather joke about and, meme it and personally attack me than making out a formal agreement which Iā€™ve been working on the last hour. Again, I do acknowledge that I have misunderstood some things here, but I doubt itā€™s that hard to agree to attempt to improve on public relations. Iā€™ve never said ā€œyou have to publish three press releases every weekā€. I simply ask him to inform the public whatā€™s happening within his Department. No long releases or anything, but nothing just leaves an impression of inactivity and a dying department.

@anon20714511 did you ever consider reaching out to Blast? A simple DM couldā€™ve avoided all of this embarrassment.

This just seems like such an ignorant struggle.

Trust me, I attempted. Here is what he had to said about it:

Representative Tor_Laws

How about you stop acting like an arrogant piece of shit and do the job you were elected to do. NOBODY asked for Secretary Blastā€™s impeachment, you created this shitshow. Do us a favor and retire the impeachment immediately.

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Thats the thing. Nothing requires me to do anything. You can retire it if you want, that is YOUR CHOICE as the Representative. No one has said anything about an inactive or dying state department. We do releases after every visit and you forget to acknowledge that fact. Simple as this.

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I dont engage with people who try to give me uninformed statements. If you want to learn how the State Department works I would gladly respond. But you just keep saying things to me without understanding how it works. That just wastes both our time.

He did, like 15 minutes ago (after all this went down)

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Simple, if @anon20714511 ran to represent people, why not get the peopleā€™s opinion. You already have a few peopleā€™s opinions. Just make a poll and see what they think.

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ā€œInterest of the peopleā€ please, list 5 civilians that actually want blast impeached and that are backing you because it seems that the only person that the bill interests is you.

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The impeachment has been retired because compared to some government officials I hold promises. I promised to act of the interest of the people, which I have. But I am very disappointing over certain people in our state. It was impossible to speak formally with the Secretary of State anywhere but here on the forum, and this isnā€™t the place of negotiation. I get DMā€™d by @CrusinThomas. We have a quick chat and he seems like heā€™s cool, but instead he comes here calling me out and acting like that conversation never happened.

I am also deeply disappointing over you both as an Representative and Deputy Secretary of the State. @Jordan_Chime
You know very well about my efforts to solve the situation and make an agreement with the Secretary of State, yet, you as Crusin chooses to act like that never happened and call me out.

Itā€™s also a tragedy that a cabinet member cannot behave and just makes jokes about an impeachment. I am also sad that I could not make an agreement before retiring the bill, but my goal wasnā€™t to waste the Houseā€™s resources nor anyoneā€™s time. But the DoS should definitely work on their public relations, especially after the stunt by the Secretary himself.

Have a nice evening ladies and gentlemen.

Representative Tor_Laws

Again, no jokes were made. I told you to proceed with it if you really wanted. If I deserve to impeached by all means, but clearly I do not. The only stunt that occurred was yours.

Please donā€™t excuse your ignorance by saying itā€™s in the interest of the people.


If this were in the interest of the people, why is here so many negative responses from the community?


That was because opinions can change. Every person knows that opinions change. I continued to further educate myself on the manner, and I saw the responses from you and the community so I had a change of though. Stop trying to make people bad by putting them on blast for refusing to accept your opinion, and accept the fact no one supports this.

ā€œInTrEsT oF tHe PeOpLeā€ Heā€™s retiring it for this reason but he never brought it up for that reason, literally no one asked for this and no one has even criticized Blast for not going his job, not one person. Like I said, list 5 people that actually wanted this and yet he hasnā€™t, this dude is a joke and truly incompetent, it should be his name on this impeachment not Blast, Blast is actually competent and doesnā€™t make childish and outlandish actions like this one.


This happened a couple of weeks ago, and Iā€™m fairly certain it was publicly posted. Blast has executed his duties well from what Iā€™ve seen. On a side note, starting out your tenure as a representative with a generally uncalled for impeachment is bold.