While many of you have not seen this, I will make it known to the public.
In this document, you can clearly see that DHS:IO launched their own investigation into District Court Justice MarshallJAddison almost immediately after the CGOC finished theirs.
For those of you who don’t know, the CGOC, along with the DoJ, have ruled that MarshallJAddison’s case was a justified shooting, and no further action needed to be taken.
After our investigation, an argument in the main Firestone discord errupted between Speaker Pro Tempore Skye_Jones and DHS agent Kale566, where I eventually joined in. Having thought that they could do a better job because “we didn’t get both sides”, Kale immediately set up an investigation with IO, where IO ironically at 1:00 AM at night was able to “establish contact” with the females involved in the evidence.
Both agents Kale566 and TypicallyColton, on behalf of DHS, I assume, threw multiple insults and taunts at the CGOC.
TypicallyColton insulting the CGOC.
They said they contacted the driver within 30 minutes of the entire investigation, however I did ask Kale to show me that they contacted the driver and I was never shown anything.
Proving that Kale launched this investigation because it was personally motivated.
Kale spreading lies after we continually told him we spoke with many others involved.
Kale boasting that IO will do it better.
Kale threatening to shut us down for “biased investigations”.
I asked them to show me they contacted the driver, which was never followed up on.
It is very evident that this investigation was not to get to see if what MarshallJAddison did was right or wrong, but was to take a jab at the CGOC. It was very clearly personally motivated and abuse of their power.
I also condemn Governor CanineEnforcement for allowing this investigation after watching the entire argument break out, knowing it was personally motivated. He even had to stop Kale from boasting. Yes, I also too did say things.
This is very immature and unjust, and I stand by the fact that our investigation was indeed flawed, but we made the correct determination in the case, and will stand by our decision.
As for a Representative supposedly forcing people to vote aye instead of nay. His maturity during the session was addressed by most of the committee, and he has wrote a formal apology. He did not intend to do it to change the vote, but was only acting foolish. I do not hold it against him, and I will defend him.
I condemn any and all attacks aimed at the CGOC. We do our job right. If anyone has any suggestions they wish to make, please feel free to DM and I will gladly talk about it.
This is not on behalf of the CGOC.