I believe FNG is under great leadership right now and does an amazing job at being an elite tactical department. I would like to work with FNG a bit on public relations and hosting events; however, I understand a majority of their operations are classified as well as their military installation floor-plans. I’d also like to work with the Department of State and FNG on deployment to other ro-states for joint trainings and other military activities.
As a member of the Governor’s cabinet, I have access to classified documents and text channels. I have always ensured that the integrity of those mediums of information are handled with due care and not leaked to unauthorized personal. Currently, if there is something I need from one of these chats, I always discuss with the Governor and await for permission before any release. As Governor, I will consult with the department heads who initially classified before any considerations of declassification in order to ensure that the integrity of the department is not lost.
Not every situation has multiple charges associated with it; however, I understand where you’re coming from as there are many ways to double up charges such as adding “Failure to Comply” and “Disorderly Conduct”. With that being said, I still support the idea that public service employees shouldn’t just rely on the individual being charged with additional crimes in the process. Instead, I want to build a system which allows for officer discretion based on the severity of the situation and most efficiently complete the arrest. I’d rather a LEO add one charge and efficiently remove the problem, and any other problem makers, then having to spend additional time trying to find ways to ensure the incarceration of the individual. At the end of the day, we want to ensure that public service employees are protected and that law enforcement can bring that protection in a timely and efficient manner.