City Mayor Elections, September 2024

City Mayor Elections, September 2024


Position: Municipal Mayor

Positions Available: 3

Signature Deadline: 10/03/2024 @ 7:30 PM ET

Election Sponsor: County Executive FrostEspresso


  • Candidates may not commit any crime against democracy, as defined in Chapter 12 of the Firestone Criminal Code.
  • Candidates may not maliciously harass anyone for support.
  • Election sponsors must disqualify candidates for failure to abide by any constitutionally mandated requirements. These requirements need not be explicitly stated by the election sponsor in the election rules.
  • Should a candidate have an unexpunged, unpardoned, or otherwise unremoved felony arrest or conviction, the election sponsor must disqualify the candidate.
  • Candidates may not violate any other section in this act or violate any other election requirements or rules set by law.
  • All other election rules and laws per The Elections Act apply.


⇒ Campaigning begins on 09/29//2024
⇒ Campaigning continues until 10/03/2024 at 7:30 PM EST
⇒ Voting opens on 10/03/2024 at 7:31 PM EST
⇒ Voting closes on 10/04/2024 at 7:31 PM EST


County Executive

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Me and @Plainsp will be running for prominence, stay tuned


Me and @turkeyshirt are going to be running for the Prominence Mayoral Elections. We will update people soon.

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Me and @FrostEspresso plan to run for the Prominence Mayoral Elections, follow the forums for more updates.

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15 signatures btw, for some reason i accidentally removed that part

What’s Prominence?

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bearzno and lixtro1 will be running to save arborfield, speech to be posted tonight. #BackToBear


SyrianTaxiDriver and T0XIC_R3DACT3D will be running for the redwood office! Common plan…


I, legaalsp, along with my running mate, @Plainsp have reached the required amount of 15 signatures.

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I, SyrianTaxiDriver, along with my running mate, @T0XIC_R3DACT3D have reached the required amount of 15 signatures

I and @Pigeon_n will be announcing our campaign for Redwood Mayor soon. Please stay tuned.


Me (IsiahCalabrese) and Brendan have obtained the required amount of signatures!

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I have reached the required amount #BackToBear

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I, YankiRBLX, along with my running mate, @turkeyshirt , have reached the required amount of 15 signatures.

Pigeon_n and I have reached enough supports to be on the ballot!!!

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I have reached significant number of signatures to be eligible for the election.

Dudebrogamer39 and s_ixela for Arborfield Mayors - Elections / Speeches - State of Firestone Forums

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