Voting is now open (again - fixed it this time) for the City Mayor elections. You may cast one vote for your preferred Mayor and Deputy Mayor candidates for each municipality, elected adjacently. The candidate with the most votes wins. All candidates have achieved the required 15 signatures of support, and have been background-checked for felony arrests, convictions, outstanding warrants, citizenship, and other disqualifying factors.
The Mayor candidate is listed first and the Deputy Mayor candidate is listed second.
- Cekrid & Scriblelz
- ZackyYoyo & Blastii
- Minecraftcaleb53 & BookBat3333
- the_rpman & Wilsonvision
- TateSnowy & mrspedisnick
Due to a lack of other candidates, Bearzno & Kyhuls have been elected by default as Mayor & Deputy Mayor of Arborfield, respectively. Congratulations to them.
Voting shall close on February 7th at 8:15 PM EST. Good luck.