The Office of Alderman BaconLaw12
A Charter Amendment Template
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are given a short period of time (5 days) to nominate a Chairman in the case of a vacancy, they should be given as much time as needed to select a qualified candidate.
Be it enacted by the City of Redwood City Council that:
Section 1
The Redwood City Charter (“the City Charter”) shall be defined here.
Section 1A
- Currently Article 4, section 13 of the City Charter states, “Should the office of City Chairperson of the City of Redwood be vacant during a term, the Mayor shall nominate a City Alderperson for the position of City Chairperson within five (5) days of a vacancy, unless said vacancy is two (2) weeks before the end of said term. The Mayor may nominate one (1) City Alderperson at a time for the position of City Chairperson. The Mayor may at any time retract a nomination, except for when such a nomination has already been voted on by the City Council or is being voted on by the City Council. The City Council has to confirm the nomination with a super-majority vote. Once the nomination has been confirmed by the City Council, the nominated City Alderperson shall gain the position of City Chairperson of the City of Redwood. If the vote for the nomination 18 instead fails the City Council, the City Alderperson shall not gain the position of City Chairperson, although they shall retain their office as City Alderperson, and may not be nominated again during the same vacancy of the office of City Chairperson, however the Mayor is permitted to nominate a City Alderperson whose nomination they retracted earlier in the case that this nomination was not voted on by the City Council. The Mayor may also instead nominate another City Alderperson. A new nomination shall be made within five (5) days of the previous nomination failing”
- Article 4, section 13 of the City Charter shall now state, “Should the office of City Chairperson of the City of Redwood be vacant during a term, the Mayor shall nominate a City Alderperson for the position of City Chairperson within five (5) days of a vacancy, unless said vacancy is two (2) weeks before the end of said term. The Mayor may nominate one (1) City Alderperson at a time for the position of City Chairperson. The Mayor may at any time retract a nomination, except for when such a nomination has already been voted on by the City Council or is being voted on by the City Council. The City Council has to confirm the nomination with a super-majority vote. Once the nomination has been confirmed by the City Council, the nominated City Alderperson shall gain the position of City Chairperson of the City of Redwood. If the vote for the nomination 18 instead fails the City Council, the City Alderperson shall not gain the position of City Chairperson, although they shall retain their office as City Alderperson, and may not be nominated again during the same vacancy of the office of City Chairperson, however the Mayor is permitted to nominate a City Alderperson whose nomination they retracted earlier in the case that this nomination was not voted on by the City Council. The Mayor may also instead nominate another City Alderperson. A new nomination shall be made within five (5) days of the previous nomination failing”
Section 3
This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passing the legal processes as described by the City Charter.
Respectfully submitted to the City of Redwood City Council,
Alderman, BaconLaw12
Alderman, lucasdcatch