laws are amendable if thats what the instructors, public, and FFC want


Please. :pray:

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if theres consensus dm me

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when i got my CFL it was 3-4 questions like why do you need it but i think it was easier for me cause i might’ve been an leo but tbh i dont remember

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Private classes would be amazing for people with weird timezones, or public employees!

Must obtain a CFL for your lego gun

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When I was reading and grading exams as AG, the most failed questions amounted to: “Define self defense” and “Define defense of a third party.” I would describe these as, uh, very fucking important.


I can tell you, with years of data in hand, that fails. Because what you just described is literally the LEO version of the CFL exam, which more than a majority fail. It is legit, I shit you not: pls read UCFA **which is linked, with all amendments included into it on the damn application board, and yet these lads still fail. Idk how, maybe they huffed too much glue in primary school. They could legit double tab it and do the application as they read the relevant sections, and still somehow goober it up.

My point here is you’re essentially wanting us to remove all our safeguards that are tried, tested, and effective over years to essentially “please use your reading comprehension.” Unfortunately, despite the stats showing the vast age majority of our community is in middle school, none of them appear to have any research, analysis, or comprehension skills. So it seems necessary, therefore, that the state must step in to prevent them from fucking shit up. Art (of which video games are included it seems) painfully imitates life.


It is. And yet LEOs still fail the LEO exam for CFLs.


It’s kinda dumb to quiz writing skills for a firearms exam. Everyone knows what is meant by self defense, but it may be hard to put into words concisely. Scenario questions are far more effective


yeah the terms are so self-explanatory that to explain them would require a PhD in Tautology

They. Need. To be able to. Self defense only matters if you can articulate it, much like probable cause. I expect every person we let have a gun to understand, verbatim, when they can use it.

And, also, they very clearly don’t know.


you just hate the peasantry

such as yourself?

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i have not committed any act of firearm misuse since the incident implied

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I don’t think I had that in my POST class but indeed POST changed over time but yeah lol

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I hate people who have access to pretty much all knowledge we know of in human existence and willfully fail to use it; then to top it off, after such a willful failure, expect society and the state to cater to them.

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yes but we all know the peasantry cannot afford the internet. they cannot so simply access information regarding self defense. you can just say it! you hate the poor!



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