A long time ago I did a similar poll regarding CFCT’s. I think some of the public opinion has changed so I’m just doing another poll to gauge the interest of the public.
Do you have a CFCT?
CFCT’s are hosted…
Too Much
Just Right
Not Enough
How often should a CFCT be hosted?
3 Times a week
Once a week
Every other week
Once a month
Every other month
Every 3 months
CFCT’s should be announced in the… (select all that apply)
We’ve done like 6 in the last three weeks. Considering most of y’all fail anyway I don’t get how offering you more chances to waste an hour of your time matters.
Most people want more CFCTs because they failed a CFCT but don’t realize why they failed (and the possible consequences of getting a gun without proper firearm knowledge)
The issue is to make the CFCT more in depth and to really lower the misuse rate we would need to make them so much longer and they already last over an hour.
I had to cut material from my last one because they took so long (the material I cut was stuff I personally liked doing but wasn’t legally required)
I mean, it’s a video game with no real consequences to going criminal given you can completely undo such after a period of time and go back to being legal. Most is our revocations are for intentional misconduct, which can’t really be curbed by any type of training.
its like 3 months, and with widely no good employment opportunities (wouldve been different if that dot/dpw employment thing went through) they are more inclined to return to crime
like many people try to go legal but fuck up because it’s 3 months long