CBRO_DanielFoote for Prominence District Council

Hello ladies and gentlemen of Firestone.

My name is CBRO_DanielFoote, I recently competed for the Senate this election. My behavior showings of those times have passed. I realized for me to get into politic in Firestone. You have to start small. In the past I occupied many jobs such as becoming a Correctional Officer and a Public Employee under the Public Works. Becoming a Councilman of Prominence could in title many things. Here is a little background about me, though yes I am young I can prove my self worthy. IRL: I am 13 years old and have a occupations IRL such as Fire Explorers. I do that everyday after school and sometimes in the middle of school. Being raised in a Christian household has taught me many things such as manors, respect and kind being. Firestone: I grew up in Firestone and have seen it all, from Fedora’s account getting hacked to the barney gang taking over. Firestone has changed in many different ways but now the Prominence District Council will have and I quote "One of the best councilman in the State of Firestone History. Your kids will read about me in there history books

My plans if I become elected councilman:

  1. Fix the Prominence District ordinances for buildings & business. (This will inquire business getting buildings and more business moving into Prominence District)
  2. Attempt to open the economy in the Prominence District to a more broad ahead. (Many restaurants in the Prominence District closed recently and we have had more business boom with Envelopes Storage as well Paths Guns. Since these opened it inspires me to make a move on the economy and business in the area rise.)
  3. Listening to the residents of Prominence District (Feedback from them on what they want changed etc.)

Why you should support me.
Economy is one of Firestone’s “hold together” it keeps the state together. The more we boom the economy in Prom. The more the economy will spread since the Prominence District is a busy tourism spot for new comers to the State with the capitol being there. We will make it better. #SupportCBRO_DanielFoote https://gyazo.com/9d431f612f72dca2e24d0a890c14e4d2

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I support.


Welcome to the forums by the way.

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Signed AestheticallyHappy


Mayor of DP.


Support. I would recommend improving on your grammar in such formal documents though.



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bump bump

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https://gyazo.com/6db177949ac66c19a287a454c7c4d085 - Oldgrannyboyyi

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I support

Campaigning has ended!

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