Car radio where you can listen to the news

I thought it would be cool if there was news on the radio with different channels. IT would just make things realistic and people can get information about what’s going on in the state.


this is extremely hard to do, we already have car radios with audio ids, the only way you can do this is make a 120 second (or 190 idk) audio, make different audios for each station, and just add it in, it can repeat as developers can’t just add like 100 audio ids onto a car radio to do it, the thing is, you have to have voice actors for this which has been done before, but the issue that might come across is. how can we manage to do this? we’d have to have new channels that are player owned get a voice actor and do the news for about only two minutes, and just put it in the game, if you want to hear different audios per station twice or even more, the voice actor has to act out mutiple times and just add it in the radio station. overall, it’s hard to do, and we don’t need this right now. nice suggestion but will take a lot of work