To the Reputable citizens of the State of Firestone;
I care about Firestone as a resident because I want to see us grow and prosper. The most important issue is that we require a courageous and visionary individual who will rise above petty political bickering and position Firestone to act as the rising star State that it is. I’ve spent a lot of time in this state, getting to know its many neighborhoods and talking to its people. I’m sure a lot of you agree with me when I say that there is unrealized potential just under our feet. It’s a promise that can only be fulfilled with the help of committed leadership and creative talent.
Although I may be new to politics in Firestone, I am most definitely not new to politics in general. I want to start at the bottom and work my way up so that when I run for a larger-scale political position in the future, I’ll have the necessary experience and knowledge to understand the obligations that would go along with it.
I have been with Firestone for over 2 years now. I first joined in August 2021, and have been involving myself as much as I can ever since.
✯ DOBW | Head Supervisor
✯ Stapleton County | Press Secretary
✯ District of Prominence | Press Secretary
✯ Firestone State House of Representatives | Clerk’s Office
✯ Firestone Executive Branch | Manorial Staff
✯ DOCM | Public Affairs Office Staff
✯ FDOT | Public Employee
✯ POST | Admissions Officer
➱ Establish connections and detect regulatory issues that will help with business development and retention efforts.
➱ Incorporate a sustainable neighborhood, whereas to ensure Arborfield is kept safe and secure from threats and dangerous acts.
➱ Preserving and improving the Arborfield environment, such as adding a community park, bike trail, etc, to make Arborfield a more eco-friendly and welcoming city.
By serving on the City Council, I hope to significantly benefit Arborfield. I am certain that I can use my real-world expertise and experiences observing the House of Representatives and Senate to advance Arborfield in this situation. I humbly appreciate you taking the time to read my campaign platform, and I wish my other competitors the best of luck.
Discord: captainbraeden05