CannonOblivion for Senate 2019!

development bills do not work out well

that can be possible but what happens if you miss one session?

impossible, you can’t just make a bill to remove paws

it isn’t easy to do this, explain this further.

like danny said

no support as of right now

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You’re wrong about everything except the slander part, which apparently I was misinformed about.

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Unfortunately, I was misinformed about this.

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emote is female

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patchy is female

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Former Senator, FSNG Major.

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support for my man

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That doesn’t answer the question.

I need you to explain how you can execute this properly.

I’m not wrong, mostly people just say that you can lower the crime late, but it isn’t easy to stop people from buying from paws, unless if you try to make a bill to remove paws from the game (which will never happen) crime rate won’t lower, if you really do lower the crime rate, then the game gets boring for leos (as this is like a cop vs criminal type of game)

Yes, the development team can do this, but you cannot force them to raise wages
People tried making SCFD Secondary, but fed said no, it might be the same situation here.

I’m not wrong here, it’s pretty much right, we can continue this in DMs if you would like @CannonOblivion
(yes i quoted myself but i did put the marks on it, my quotes are just yours pretty much)

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DMs please

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Support -spookdan

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Deputy Secretary of DoH
Deputy in SCSO
First Sergeant of FNG
Sergeant of DoC

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Voting. Firestone State Senate Elections, January 2019 | v2

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