CanineEnforcement® & Sharkfish82®
“Education, Community Outreach, Expansion, and Success!”
Table of Contents
- Section I. - Introduction
- Section II. - About the Candidates
- Section III. - The Executive Branch
- Section IV. - The Legislative Branch
- Section V. - The Judicial Branch
- Section VI. - The Executive Administration
- Section VII. - The Departments
- Section VIII. - County Government & Municipal Governments
- Section IX. - Foreign Affairs
- Section X. - Goals
- Section XI. - Conclusion
Section I. - Introduction
There is no former glory Firestone needs to return to. It’s time to build, and better ourselves from our past selves. It’s time to rise up and become what we’ve been destined to become. It, is time to bring the change that has always meant to be. It’s time to Make Firestone Great Again!
Section II. - About the Candidates
I joined the State of Firestone around April, 2016. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to bounce around the state to different occupations, learn some new things, and further expand my knowledge on the State of Firestone. Currently, I’m serving as Governor of the State of Firestone. My term has mostly been a learning experience for me, it’s allowed me to try new things for the betterment of the State of Firestone. Through the process of trial and error, I’ve learned what this state needs, and what it doesn’t. I will continue to build off my existing plans and initiatives, and build for you the final result.
- Current Governor of the State of Firestone
- Former Secretary of the Firestone Department of Health
- Former Assistant Chief, and Firefighter/Paramedic of the Stapleton County Fire Department
- Former Private First Class of the Firestone National Guard, 1st Military Police Regiment
- Former Firestone Department of Corrections Correctional Officer
- Former Medic within the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office Special Weapons & Tactics Team
- Former Special Agent of the Firestone Bureau of Investigations
- Former Licensed Physician under the Firestone Department of Health
- Certified under the Firestone Peace Officer Standards & Training
- Certified Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician
Greetings, I’m Sharkfish82. I joined the State around the early Version 1 days. Throughout my Firestone career, I have been fortunate to have some of the finest mentors to teach me from the Department of Homeland Security as well as the Legislative branch with key figures such as Rolerain, Virginian, OfficerVideoGame and quite a few others. Through observing their ways and personally being mentored by a few, I have gained experience few others may be able to experience. With my two terms of being within the House of Representatives under my belt with one of those terms having me serve as Speaker of the House as well as myself fighting off corruption and ensuring the House during my time was the best it could be, I believe I am more than ready to serve as your Lieutenant Governor for the State.
- Current Secret Service Agent
- Former Speaker of the House
- Former Representative of the House of Representatives
- Former Federal Protective Service Captain, Sergeant, and Officer
Section III. - The Executive Branch
The Firestone Executive Branch is currently active, and fairly engaging with the rest of the State of Firestone. As promised from my last speech, I worked on transparency between the public and the Executive Branch, and I kept up with that promise. Not only were cabinet meetings made public, I released weekly press releases discussing the current affairs of the branch/status of the departments under the branch.
The future for the Firestone Executive Branch is bright. During this term, if elected, I plan on expanding the branch and bringing new occupations into the branch, whether that be under the executive office, or new departments. Due to our current developmental disadvantage in economic development, which I will be addressing, I believe new jobs is just what we need. In regards to the Cabinet, I plan on raising the standards for community-engagements and activity. Finally, I plan on keeping up with the transparency I promised, and hopefully, improving off that.
As for my plan of expanding the Firestone Executive Branch, I have devised a list of new committees, councils, and commissions that will be tasked with various duties to aid the Executive Branch, and hopefully assist in bettering the branch as a whole, as well as bringing in new jobs. The State of Firestone currently lacks many community engaging events. I believe this puts a damper on the relationship between the Firestone Government, and the people of the state. In coordination with my Executive Branch Expansion initiative, I’ll be establishing the Firestone Events Committee. The Firestone Events Committee will be responsible for planning and hosting events sponsored by the Firestone Executive Branch.
Throughout this term, cabinet activity was based on meeting attendance, contents of cabinet reports, and community outreach. Those who participated the most with the community, and the rest of the cabinet, were marked active as compared to those who remained dormant. The only dismissal that occurred as a result of inactivity was that of Superintendent ArcticRex. Cabinet members who missed meetings and fell into the semi-inactive category were reminded to improve activity. Overall, activity wasn’t enforced as originally foresaw earlier in the term. I believe in the next term, I can better that and delegate more time to ensuring the cabinet stays on task and engaged.
Section IV. - The Legislative Branch
Our plan for the Legislative Branch are to ensure the communication between the people, and congresspeople. With the combination of Sharkfish82’s Bill Talk thread to ensure that bills with flaws are heard about, to continuing the process of inform the public of which bills have passed or failed or such, to finally the overall prevention of harmful and unneeded legislation. Overall, we will ensure that the Legislative Branch runs smoothly and ensure the laws we impose are up to standard. Another issue we will address is the recent spike of incompetence with some newer elected congress people. To combat this, Sharkfish82 will ensure that other congresspeople mentor newer officials to ensure they can learn the ways of congress as well as get valuable skills in bill making and such. Finally, a complete reorganization of the Firestone Senate.
Section V. The Judicial Branch
As of now, the Judicial Branch is currently experiencing a shortage of justices. Quite a few of them have expressed their concern in regards to bringing back the appeals court. The opinions are split down the middle. Although the appeals court does have its positives, it also has an equal amount of negatives. Some of the justices stated that the appeals court would end up in another continuous loop of inactivity due to their lack of cases. I’ll continue to collect opinions and render my decision later on when we have enough justices again. To address the lack of justices, I will be coordinating with Chief Court Justice Floatmanjason to fast-track a training program to hopefully fill the vacant positions. At this time, the Chief Court Justice hasn’t brought any additional nominations to my attention.
- Establish a fast-track training program to produce more candidates for the Firestone Courts
- Discuss the return of the appeals court with the existing Justices of the Firestone Courts
- Discuss and plan a reformation of the criminal justice system
Section VI. - The Executive Administration
Governor CanineEnforcement
Lieutenant Governor Sharkfish82
Chief of Staff BsLaw
Secretary Chevyrocks, Firestone Department of Homeland Security
Colonel PPDChief_Tim, Firestone State Patrol
Major General Hobo_bear, Firestone National Guard
Secretary Slinkising, Firestone Department of Transportation
Attorney General Jefrafra, Firestone Department of Justice
Warden TTEMB, Firestone Department of Corrections
Secretary AlbusSkywalker, Firestone Department of Commerce
Secretary Ftlicious, Firestone Department of Public Safety
Secretary j0805, Firestone Department of Public Works
Secretary Champ101490, Firestone Department of Health
Secretary Blastatack, Firestone Department of State
Secretary iLordOfAviation, Firestone Department of Aviation
Director MaximusGXL, Firestone Peace Officer Standards & Training
Secretary Ash1835, Firestone Department of Boating & Waterways
Section VII. - The Departments
Firestone State Patrol - Following the loss of Superintendent ArcticRex, the Firestone State Patrol was left in a semi-state of chaos, until Colonel PPDChief_Tim was appointed. Through a lengthy process of rebuilding and correcting past mistakes, the Firestone State Patrol has come a long way in improving. Monitoring the Firestone State Patrol’s Command Staff, I’ve noticed that they’re quick to identify and correct their mistakes, they address problems within reasonable time, and overall, it’s a well-functioning department. I’m proud of their improvement.
Firestone National Guard - The Firestone National Guard has been functioning smoothly since the nomination of Major General Hobo_Bear. I believe he took the transition of his role well, and he’s held the guard at a stable and well-run position. The guard as a whole as remained fairly active, conducts quite a few training’s, and keeps their personnel occupied. Following Major General Hobo_Bear’s nomination, I pushed for him to expand the guard’s membership. He has done said task perfectly, and at this rate, I’m excited to see the future of our state’s defense.
Firestone Department of Homeland Security - The Firestone Department of Homeland Security has been running well under Secretary Chevyrocks and Deputy Secretary Airplane1221. Throughout the term so far, they’ve kept internal incidents at a minimum, and have kept the department in good shape. The Department of Homeland Security has continued to be the driving force in countering organized crime, and terrorism. I would also like to note that their activity has continued to improve with the welcoming of new agents.
Firestone Department of Justice - Coming in from the previous term, Attorney General Jefrafra has continued to run the department at peek efficiency. I must say, the Attorney General has taught me that the Department of Justice is a very underrated and underestimated department.
Firestone Department of Corrections - The Firestone Department of Corrections has been running well under Warden TTEMB. Earlier in the term, some of the employees expressed concerns in regards to Warden TTEMB’s activity, myself and the Warden spoke about it, and addressed the problem. He’s boosted his activity, and continues to run the department to expectation. Following the return of boats to Stapleton County, the Department of Corrections saw the return of it’s Marine Division. The administration reopened, and setup the Marine Division within reasonable time. I was taken by surprise to see how fast they worked in reopening the division. Beyond this, I have no comments to the department besides keep up the good work.
Firestone Department of Public Safety - Overall, we’ve seen a rapid decrease in Public Safety reports, and the Department of Public Safety has worked swiftly in countering any incidents. About halfway through the term, we saw the admission of the Firestone Department of Public Works and Firestone Department of Transportation into the Department of Public Safety’s jurisdiction, the transition went smoothly and without backlash or incident.
Firestone Department of State - I’ve been working closely with the Firestone Department of State to further improve on and build relationships with other states. One of our most notable meetings, with the State of Mayflower, ran well under the supervision of the Department of State. They conducted a meeting that served as the building blocks of what may be a future relationship between the two states.
Firestone Peace Officer Standards & Training - The Firestone Peace Officer Standards & Training has hit a few rocky spots during the term, but under Director MaximusGXL, they turned around and improved upon their problems. They continue to improve to this day, I’m proud of the work they’ve been doing.
Departments not included in this section are running up to expectation, and are doing wonderful.
Section VIII. - County Government & Municipal Governments
As promised during my campaign from the last election, we saw an increase in foreign affairs. Despite the opposition from many figures in the State of Firestone, I still see a benefit in establishing relationships with other states. Myself and my administration laid down the foundation of what may become a great relationship with the State of Mayflower. I intend on continuing with our foreign affairs, and expanding our relationships. Secretary of State Blastatack has done a wonderful job in helping establish these affairs.The future of Firestone’s foreign relationships are bright, we must continue to progress and reach the point.
Section X. - Goals
- More government-community engagements
- More events for the Firestone Citizens to participate in
- Keeping and improving on the transparency
- Expansion of the Firestone Executive Branch
- Bringing more jobs & departments to the Firestone Executive Branch
- Raising the cabinet-activity requirements
- Better department-community engagements
- Better communication between the community and congresspeople
- Allowing the people to voice themselves better in regards to the government
- Counter rising issues seen during this term
- Fast-track program to produce more candidates for the Judicial Branch
- Continuing to build off the current criminal justice system reform
- Building off the mistakes and issues seen with departments this term
- Further cutting down on the amount of Department of Public Safety reports
- Better communication with the Stapleton County Government
- Better communication with the municipal governments
- Continue with the state meetings
- Continue to work with the State of Mayflower
- Build a better relationship with the State of Mayflower
- Reformation of the states education system(s)
Section XI. - Conclusion
It’s time to rebuild, and expand beyond what we previously had within the State of Firestone. I’m a firm believer in economic development and community outreach. Firestone as a whole lacks a government-community engagements. If I win, I will be launching my Economic Rebuilding Initiative.
Thank you for taking the time to read myself and Sharkfish82’s speech for the gubernatorial election. If you vote for us, change will come.