I am rerunning for House of Representatives:
My post will be an identical copy of my post last term followed by additional comments.
I am not going to bore you with a long speech, especially since my experience speaks for itself.
The truth of the matter is that the House is absurdly inactive. I am one of the only individuals who were almost always available and would go as far as to say one of the most active members of the house.
This House also tended to get into a lot of conflicts, something that I’d like to think I was able to mediate or stay clear of.
The Firestone House needs to maintain experienced (I’ve been doing Firestone Congress since 2017) members that are actually active, not people who are going to make pretty promises but won’t even log online for a 30-minute session.
Firestone government lacks accountability, and this election will be an indicator of what the people think about our government. If elected, I will maintain the same integrity I’ve maintained throughout my term, calling those who commit wrongdoing out, despite the risk.
That being said:
The House is more active now, not at peak activity but I intend to maintain my activity (of which I’d consider myself)
I have been in my opinion a critical force in ensuring quality legislation is produced by Congress, either through the production myself, or extensive review before they hit the floor and during debate. Unfortunately for my peers, if I perceive a problem, and I usually do, I will make note of it during debate.
Congress in general is toxic, of which I am a perpetuator. I hope not to be this term.
I made 2 promises, pass the improved impeachments resolution and pass the SOTH act. The first is completed, the second is on the House floor. I have more direct plans including a constitutional amendment, a new establishment bill, a federal aviation act, and 2 updates.
I ask for your support, am open to questions, and hope my integrity and dedication is convincing enough.