January 7th Rally
On the 7th of January, the CanadlanLaw & AestheticallyHappy for Governor campaign hosted an in-game rally behind the Redwood Car Dealership that was a major success. Attended by CanadlanLaw, AestheticallyHappy, several campaign staff from the campaign, and an overwhelming amount of citizens in a full-Stapleton server.
Speeches were given by CanadlanLaw, TateSnowy, CaptainBr_aeden, b_aconxv, and zepinspector.
During the speeches, one recurring theme was highlighted, that CanadlanLaw and AestheticallyHappy are by far the most competent, experienced, qualified, and suitable candidates in this race, and that the idea that any other opponent could win, as one citizen put it, “kill Firestone for good”.
BobaBay Meeting
On the 6th of January, CanadlanLaw met with owner of BobaBay, CaptainBr_aeden, while campaigning to observe the new BobaBay building in Redwood, and treat supporters and citizens to some Boba (not free of charge).
Debate Status
CanadlanLaw has been working tirelessly with the good people at FBC to try scheduling a debate, however, the chances are looking slim due to timing issues from the opposition and the semester starting. In the event a debate is not hosted, the CanadlanLaw campaign will compensate by hosting a town-hall event, livestreamed, for individuals to ask questions and get a closer glimpse into the campaign (though it is not necessary).
Expect another release on meetings with the cabinet and business trips tomorrow
~ CanadlanLaw