Camera/Photography Mode


Not sure if this has been suggested before but I couldn’t find any thread on it.

Currently in V2, if people want to get pictures they have to carefully take it and crop out the UIs unless they have worked out a way to hide them.
A nice thing to have for if people want to get full screen pictures or for like FNN or FBC live reports, they could be a button inside of the main game GUI (the four diamonds one) that hides all UIs and possibly even the chat box and then have a keybind that brings it all back when they are done with what they need.


crop photos down to the pixel or

use photoshop content aware fill if you have access


paint dot net if poor


this is what I’m saying we can avoid and allow full size screenshots without having the UIs in the way


if ur on a leo dept hit the callsign change button and there’s like a half-second window where all the GUIs hide and u can take a screenshot


This would be super useful as the UI’s proved to be a considerable challenge to the filming of Operation Jester and would’ve saved a lot of time if something like this existed.



as a member of the pr unit for fng this would be really useful please consder adding this devs


if not this, it could always be a /command thing


hm yes, would be cool! it would be awesome if it was a key bind or set of keybinds so your cursor could also be hidden

For v3, there’s something that hides most of the UIs in-game.

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I know this is an old comment but just to show you what content aware does:

It simple terms it do not work (sad spunchbob)


Pretty sure there’s gonna be a feature in v3 that allows this, I’ve heard some developers talk about this being a thing


This would be really useful for SCFD PIO! Was literally asking earlier if someone can attend an event off team to take photos, so we can have decent screenshots that aren’t weirdly cropped.

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I’ve heard that also but for now we’re stuck with V2 and UIs that cover half the screen for some people


If you have the Radio GUI in the way, click the callsign button and you have .5 of a second take a picture. I do it a lot and it works well however when I’m in the helicopter I have other UIs I can’t hide

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I have taken quite a lot of pictures during my time in Firestone. If you use the content-aware fill tool, you will only be successful IF:

  • The radio is 100% in the sky, or in another object (e.g. a tree) that consists of only one color
  • You have closed the ERU & 911 GUI and placed them inside the radio

With that being said, I definitely feel the pain of trying to take good photos with all of the GUIs. I can tell your monitor is not too big either (due to the large GUI sizes), which must make it even more difficult.


Is content-aware on How do you access it?

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Content-aware is a photoshop feature. While there may be PDN plugins for it, the only real realible CA software is in photoshop.


if ur on a leo dept hit the callsign change button and there’s like a half-second window where all the GUIs hide and u can take a screenshot


I saw you say this a long while ago and since you’ve said that I have always done this. It really helped out a lot with nice pictures

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