Call Upon Firestone Developers | Fix V3

As a community member of Firestone I herby call upon the ownership team, development team to fix the V2 bugs… It is a very bad look for the community that we must pay for V3 to just submit patrol logs, enjoy the game, etc. it is terrible that it has been many days and the problem has not been patched. I believe that if this goes on for any longer no one will want to play Firestone and it will die.

I also encourage my fellow community members to reply with your thoughts and say you support this message.

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what a pointless post smh

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slay papi i support

Ur pointless

tbh i think the devs should fix the game and i support this but idk if it will make a change

this is way easier said then done. I don’t think anyone here would have the mental capacity to go through 6,000 scripts which some may be over thousands of lines long to find the issue. you need to keep in mind a majority of this game was coded 5+ years ago, things will break and old methods will become depricated


I mean, they could just open V3

yeah you have to consider this also

dude wants his relevancy

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V3 is the focus!


v3 update when