BrightCorp | Executive Protection


BrightCorp is a company founded in 2024 that provides dedicated executive protection focused on keeping you safe!

Have you ever felt unsafe? Have you ever wanted to be protected like the governor? Would you like to be protected by armed guards while being chauffeured around the county?

Then look no further! BrightCorp offers all of that:

  • Executive protection (personal security)

  • Event security

  • Helicopter services

Hire us TODAY!

(Also looking for dedicated members who are interested in applying to join BrightCorp!)

Discord: BrightCorp


If you are interested in applying, keep in mind you have to have a CFL.

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Disclaimer: It´s not even close to an ESU detail, much less the governors


Wow, lies

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It´s not a lie. As someone who gets ESU protection occasionally, and someone who has seen Brightcorps details, Brightcorp comes nowhere near.


We haven’t done any details yet :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Now you´re lying, got it

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Guhhhh :thinking:

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As someone who HAS received ESU protection occasionally, I can confirm that BrightCorp comes near! (disclaimer; I have absolutely no idea what this is)

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As an Executive Security Unit Trooper, I disapprove of this.


BrightCorp loves ESU

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ESU is a joke



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he isnt we have like 4 people

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how much firestonian dollars must one pay to receive elite protection from bright corp

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2000$ per hour, this fee covers gas, guns and at least 3 armed guards.

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I forgot to put this in my reply but if you would like more information please feel free to dm me or to just simply join the discord.

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Hire us today!

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(coming from a guy that tried to open a security air support unit) (but yeah hes definitely right)

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