Blue lights for FSP

Hey Everyone,

I would like to discuss a suggestion. I am RocktonLaw, a Trooper with FSP. I think it’s not very realistic that we have red and blue lights, as most state police has all blues. Here is an example from where I live:

As you can see, the state patrol has all blues. I do not expect this to be implemented, but I do think it would be better if we had this.

FSP Trooper
FDOT Employee

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you must be new, this was already argued and struck down by Fed


Depends on the state, I’ve been to multiple states that do not have all blues and have red and blue.

In my opinion,
Red/Blue = Any police
Red/White (blue and white ig for ems supervisor)= EMS/Fire


A no is a no. California highway Patrol has red and blue which makes it very realistic.

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the color scale matches cars that use all blue, i’m sure that’s his point in this


Struck down by fed before.