Hello, I am BLU4OR, and I am going to start off with a brief introduction of who I am. I am an 18-year-old dude from the east coast. I enjoy communities like this on the ROBLOX platform and many others. I have been part of the Firestone Community for a while and gained a lot of friendships and made many connections. I started my time here young and now I am an adult. This part is unnecessary so let’s move one.
I have decided to run for the City Council position that is open in Redwood. I don’t really have any set plans for legislation within the city, but I do plan on getting involved with more businesses and hosting more city events alongside the mayor. I feel like this is a great way to earn some experience and start off my career in Firestone politics. I have been a part of Firestone since 2020 and know my way around the state and how everything runs. I’m going to end it here to save a yap fest, consider supporting me and helping me start off a great career path!
Some past and current experience I have within the state
Former Inspection Officer within DOCM
Many private businesses
I can’t think of the rest since it was so long ago but currently, I am a POST cadet and an Applicant within DOC.
This would conclude this thread and I hope you guys consider giving me a shot at this and supporting me for this position