Esteemed Residents of our beloved Stapleton County, I stand before you today with a heartfelt sense of purpose and a vision for a brighter future. Stapleton County actively faces many challenges that cannot be ignored, and it’s time for us to unite and make our voices heard, to shape our county into it’s best form. My name is BlackMrcow23, and I share the same dreams and aspirations as you, and today I stand before you as a prospective candidate for the Stapleton county council, and I hope to gain your trust and vote.
Our county has many problems, but I won’t dwell on them. Instead, I’ll assure you that I will offer great solutions based on what the people want. My vision for our amazing county is one of prosperity, health and safety, and I envision a county where all our local businesses strive, and serve the community with grace. Through job fairs and other promotional events, I will work to feature new businesses on the spotlight to assist our new entrepreneurs. I will work tirelessly for countless hours to have the publics opinions accounted for, and to construct new policies which will better improve our communities.
Please view my former and current positions within the State of Firestone here:
- Firestone State Patrol Trooper
- Stapleton County Fire Department Firefighter, Search & Rescue Division Officer
- Firestone Fire Academy, Admissions Office Member
- Former Prominence Police Department Officer and Field Training Division Member
Our voice, our vision, our county