Bjohn323 for Senate!


  • Table of Contents:
  • Section I Introduction
  • Section II Experiences
  • Section III Legislation
  • Section IV Conclusion

Section I:

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who is taking their time to read my campaign speech and hear the improvements I want to make with Firestone legislation if I am elected. 

Section II:

My former occupations:

  • Roblox Hills Police Department, Former Lieutenant.
  • Chicago Police Department, Former Chief of Patrol Services.
  • Illinois State Police, Former Deputy Director.
  • Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff.

Although my Law Enforcement experiences were not with Firestone, they were all held to extremely high standards.

With my experience in law enforcement, I think I can bring great legislation to improve life in Firestone. I also have real-life experience with working in Government. I’ve met, and spoken with Senator’s from my state many times.

Section III:

As a Conservative, I will be working my hardest to bring important topics to the table. One topic I’d be bringing up is Visitors and Tourists facing the same punishments as Citizens when laws are broken. They get away with much more than they should. Secondly, I believe in this state it is much to easy to obtain a legal firearm.There needs to be more screening in the applications. Thirdly, fighting organized crime. I want to update the definition of “Conspiracy to Commit a Crime” to help further net organizations such as cartels, mafias or gangs when they attempt to advertise, recruit or announce their intent to the state. There needs to be more screening in the applications. Lastly, I would also like to re-establish the disbanded Republican Party.

Section IV:

In conclusion, the State of Firestone needs someone willing to fight for you. Someone strong, smart, and sensible. That person is me, Bjohn323. I’m here to work for a better, and safer life here in Firestone. Please reply with “Support” if you wish to support my campaign in this election!

Contact information: Feel free to message me anytime with any questions!
Discord Bjohn323#4639

“Join me to fight for what’s right!”

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Welp support

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Love your motto.


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Correct me if I am wrong, but looks like you copied my forum…

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“As a conservative” “Re-establish the republican party” “Fight for better gun laws” looks like you ripped it right from my speech.

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Didn’t rip it from your speech, I believe we need to improve the application process for acquiring a legal firearm. I believe we need to have a vetting process involved, and I am a Republican. So yes, I do want to revive the Republican party along with you. Didn’t know I couldn’t share the same views as you. Nothing was ripped from your speech, and this wasn’t intended to replicate your speech in anyways. Sorry for sharing simmilar views.

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If you say so, but it does sound rather familiar if you read mine.

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I’ll read yours thoroughly, I only briefly skimmed it early this morning. If you would like to continue conversing about this, we can message on discord if you’d like?

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No need to start a huge problem, have a good day. Happy campaigning.

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Alright, best wishes with you campaign, and good luck!

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I love your standards, goals, and I love the format. Completely SUPPORTED!



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First Bump.

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You have good experience in Law Enforcement. Hopefully you do good as a Senator for this state if elected.


No support!

Your clearly incompetent via past experiences. You can not get anything done as I have seen, From past experiences with you, you get butt hurt over people who dont side or dont agree with you,

Also, explain how any of these have anything to do with government?

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Past experiences with me? I don’t think I know you, or maybe I don’t remember. Feel free to message me on discord to remind me.

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2nd Bump.

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