Bgod is getting a magazine

I am going to turn this into a full magazine, probably has a top 5 most important Firestone people and a few historical stuff. I might even have like 5-10 smaller articles about other people around Firestone.

Do you want to be in it? Do you have ideas? Tell me!

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Right now I have 3/5 of the Firestone 5, being Bgod, Ash, and Floatman.

shark or not accurate


don’t add shark

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I have a spot for one more person

who is bgod again

wheres my feature !! the peoples speaker

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cool awesome

blud is still relevant??

you need some help with your list gang icl

Yes, it is.

Maybe for historical Firestone people. Ash and Float aren’t really important anymore because they have retired from politics and the game. I would do scriblelz, bacon, frost, and maybe Butsworth and Faach.


i was referring to bgod

nah im not that important gng :sparkling_heart:

person of 2 years ago

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me obv

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Float is still active with the Firestone Democracy Project and I have a history article on Atoll so I think Float and Ash are valid people.

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