Az20076 For Prominence District Council

Hello fellow Firestone citizens. I have decided to return to Firestone municipal politics after a short break. Taking a short break has given me a time to figure out some stuff and I’m ready to make my return. This is my speech for running for Prominence District Council

First let me start off with my experience in Firestone politics and Firestone in general
-3 Terms as a Redwood Councilor, 2 as Chairperson

  • Stapleton County Fire Department Senior Firefighter/Training Officer
  • Firestone Fire Academy Training Officer
  • Firestone Aviation Administration Intern
  • Former Firestone Department Of transportation Public Employee

My plans for the district of Prominence is to help grow to community by listening to the people that live in it and passing ordinances and laws with what they need and having a big emphasis on community engagement. During my terms in redwood as a counselor I had a number of successful public relations events. I plan to continue this within Prominence and make a successful return to Firestone politics. I’m not one of those big guys that are constantly running for an office and trying to keep in as much as they can. I have experience but I have not constantly been in Firestone politics. I also plan to work on relationships between the District of Prominence and departments. Helping work out issues and get them resolved. Hope that I have you support and see you at the ballots.

Support Gained from Scottengels

I suppose I could support!

Support Gained from ILIATOPURIA

Support Gained from MarshalHarvest


Support Gained from Sirneil7


Election over!