Automationeer for Senate (2021-4)

You have a right to remain silent. This means people can’t force you to hand over information or testify. The exception to this rule is search warrants.

While refusing to hand over evidence when a court order (warrant) has not been obtained IS obstructive to the investigation the constitution takes precedence.

If we allow our officers to arrest people for failing to hand over evidence (when the officer lacks a court order) then that flies in the face of our right against self incrimination (what good is the right when we allow for people to be punished for remaining silent?)… and if we destroy the constitution what do we have left? Anarchy and out of anarchy comes dictatorship.

This is my interpretation of the facts at hand and is not binding precedent, a court may obviously do something weird or unexpected.


no offence but you said that EO#55 (mandating name be showing) infringes upon the right to not self-incriminate, i wouldn’t trust your interpretations per se


dont think you have firestone knowledge but no user is forced or obligated to share their own recording per fedlaw and roleplay guidelines. furthermore, it cannot hinder their investigation if they didn’t have the recording in the first place and in no shape or form are any of them aligable to make sure requests


you got literally arrested twice for brandishing a weapon, why would I take your word over him?


because that doesnt correlate with my ability to practice nor legislate


def has a problem with practicing if you cant even respect the law you are supposed to be enhancing and protecting


it for sure hindered ur ability to buy a firearm from paths guns