Automationeer accused of dropping a USB firewall to another member of congress

This was the FBIs proof against her. She then stated she wasn’t in game, but then made THIS remark

They attempted to make a rebuttal in state announcements. FBI then replied, once again scrutinizing the points they made

With this evidence displayed, what are your guys thoughts? This got Donxld suspended from DOT and impeachment proceedings began for his position in congress.

First of all, do you believe she did this?

  • Guilty
  • No opinion
  • Not guilty

0 voters

If you have voted guilty, what sort of repercussions should she face

  • Nothing
  • Impeachment
  • Impeachment + possible referral (I know DOJ doesnt wanna prosecute)
  • Other (Comment)

0 voters

Comment your thoughts on this matter, or if you know anything you would like to put out there.

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My thoughts on this situation are very simple. The congressperson that submitted the impeachment on Donald looks absolutely stupid right now, especially for including the clip. If Auto did in fact do this, she should resign from her post in the senate because lego framing is stupid. Also, from other situations, they need to fix the game to allow only business items to be dropped so things like this don’t happen.

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Hello, Congress is currently looking into BOTH accusations of Representative Donald and President pro temper Automationeer. If anyone who votes could leave their reasoning of their vote, that’d be great!!!

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we at least have to pretend we’re doing our job :flushed:


I think DOJ should investigate and so should congress, auto is a great person and if it’s true, actions should be taken. It’s Roblox, don’t make your night an inquiry into lego ppt

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This is not a matter of public concern.

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Unfortunate because it’s on a public forum. Did you happen to miss the part where I was asking for people’s thoughts? Screenshot by Lightshot Here it is incase it was missed. Have a good rest of your day!

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don was not suspended, we did nothing about it


with the evidence given, we could not if wanted, lacks poid

not saying how the doj will move forward, that’s for wolf to say, just saying the evidence given publicly lacks poid to use in court at this time

just getting some facts right to help, not making any statements or opinions by posting this


Thank you for getting some things straight. I was told both impeachment is happening and that he was suspended from DOT.

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The impeachment of Donald was withdrawn yesterday.

Unfortunately unless a forum mod is willing to, I cant edit it to reflect the correct info.

Well if this isnt proof idk what is FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE - Google Docs

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Automationeer resigned from PPT and confessed to the crime, along with having been arrested for Possession of a USB Firewall.