NOVEMBER 24th, 2024
(a) This Act shall be known, and may be cited as, the “Authority to Audit Act of 2024” or “AAA”.
(b) “Public Safety Act of 2022” shall be defined here
(b11) Any undefined terms used in this legislation are defined in the Public Safety Act of 2022.
(c) “Inferior Governments Act” or “IGA” shall be defined here
(d) Executive Order 67, as defined here shall be declared null and void.
(a) The Deparment of Public Safety shall be the designated body to investigate and perform audits into departments under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Safety. This shall be referred to as a Public Safety Audit.
(a1) To perform an audit on any department under an Inferior Government as defined by the IGA, the Department of Public Safety must obtain the explicit written permission of the Governor with the views of the County Executive taken into consideration if reasonably possible.
(a2) If the department is a state-level agency, the Department of Public Safety must obtain the explicity written permission of the Governor of the State of Firestone.
(a3) If the department being auditied is apart of an inferior government, notification and frequent communication must take place between the Department of Public Safety and the Office of the County Executive.
(a) The Department of Public Safety administration shall be required to maintain communication with the County Executive in regards to any major investigations, as determined by the Secretary, in regards to members who are a part of county or municipal agencies.
(b) The County Executive shall be allowed to gain access to any investigations relating to county or municipal employees, upon request to the Secretary.
(c) The Department of Public Safety may gain access, at the authorization of the Secretary, to any and all documents and/or access to anything as needed, unless lawfully classified, to conduct a thorough review of the department.
(d) Identity of sources who submit evidence under an audit must remain confidential, unless otherwise consented by said source.
(e) Should the anonymity of any source be compromised, the Department must address it within 24 hours, and launch an official investigation into the breach of security and trust. Moreover, a notification of said breach must be sent to the Governor, and County Executive.
(f) All audit findings, unless classified, must be viewable to the public at the conclusion of an audit.
(g) The Department of Public Safety, at the conclusion of an audit, may forward recommendations or orders; punishments and/or department improvements, with good cause, to the respective department head, within a final report.
(h) The Department of Public Safety may not issue punishments to the heads of the department under an audit, instead forward recommendations in regards to department heads to the Office of the Governor, or Office of the County Executive if said recommendations relate to county department heads, or Office of the Mayor of the respective muncipality if said reccomendations relate to municipal department heads.
(a) If any regulation outlined within this legislation is not upheld, a time period of 24 hours shall be provided to abide by the regulations in this legislation.
(b) If any employee is found to be in violation of this legislation, they shall face disciplinary action within the Department of Public Safety at the discretion of the Governor and/or the County Executive and/or the Secretary of Public Safety.
(c) Should an investigation or an audit’s merits come into question by the public, the Department of Public Safety shall be required to issue a statement in response to the concerns, and reevaluate said investigation or audit; with a notification being sent to the Governor.
(d) This legislation shall be enforced by all relevant persons and/or entities.
Speaker Pro Tempore MattSixtyNin
Represenative the_rpman