With the recent dismissal of the FDOA Secretary, hopefully there will be more progression across the aviation community both in activity as well as development. Granted the aviation assets in game are not as vast, there’s so much we can make out of what we have that would be enjoyable and beneficial at the same time.
One suggestion that I had was the creation of airspace channels on the radio…Air Traffic Control is such a strong asset to aviation when it comes to traffic and terrain avoidance, enforcing restricted airspace rules, and adding a new perspective in terms of role playing. Unfortunately with the FDOA administration, ATC was not a primary focus point and was ultimately neglected. Just like the law enforcement tactical channels, I thought it’d be cool to have two separate ATC channels (in the future when ATC is active) to designate air spaces in Prominence and Aborfield, with there being ATC towers located in both cities currently. I feel as if this addition would bring a more realistic sense in regards to aviation operations, create a more interactive roleplay environment and would overall catch the interest of those aspiring to be apart of the aviation community.
This sounds like a good idea however considering the size of V2 and the current lack of activity from aviation in the sky there isn’t exactly too much demand in the ATC channel.
I hope with the new DOA administration soon, plus what seems to be ASU getting active again will mean more activity for ATC, in that case this suggestion may be useful, but for now I say it’s unneeded.
Additionally, to address concern about ATC’s activity, I have repeatedly suggested ideas like activity quotas for ATC under Aplayer’s administration and he was against it, basically leaving me with not a lot of choice except to let it go inactive. With the new DOA administration I will (hopefully) be adding ATC activity quotas paired with automatic pagers that detects DOA and ASU on team and pages ATC to get online, which should get us active again.
An ATC map is already implemented. It shows you all aircraft within the sky and FDOA has a ATC division. It’s hard for them to be active as they are limited when pilots are online.