Ash1835 for County Executive

1: Introduction
2: Past Experiences
3: Ideas/Legislation
4: Conclusion
1: Introduction
Hope, something we’ve all heard of, and I haven’t heard of it in a long time. I use to hear it all the time in the county but recently that’s changed but today I am bringing hope back! My fellow citizens of Firestone and Stapleton County! Everyday Firestone needs a champion and I want to be your champion. I am Speaker Pro Tempore Ash1835, and I am announcing my candidacy for County Executive. After hard and long consideration I finally decided to run for Executive because I am not going to watch on the sidelines as our County crumbles once again as it had a year ago. Our county is in serious trouble and we need a leader who can fix our county once again.
2: Past Experiences
I have over a year and a half experience in the county, I served as the County Executive for 8 months, beginning my term on this date last year, (March 1st, 2018) I have also served as County Council x2 including the chairmenship, but currently I am residing as the Speaker Pro Tempore, but I hope to pursue the County Executive role once again, it’s what I love doing.
3: Ideas/Bills etc.
Like I always do I plan to restore strong and healthy relationships with our state government, and to propose legislation at the state level with a state sponsor and also to restore the county government by proposing vital legislation that was destroyed during the removal of forums. Now on the county side, I plan to hold elections for mayor and county council as soon as possible, the former County Executives since I left office have not necessarily held elections for these positions. I will make sure to complete many more legislation/executive orders. Also to make sure our County releases public letters every two weeks they to give citizens ideas on the legislation that has been signed into law and enforced. Whilst I was County Executive for 8 months I learned how to lead and how to reach out to citizens and I promise you I will do the same once again for this great state and the county!
4: Conclusion
Throughout my speech I hope you can realize that I have the most experience in the County Government then anyone else running and together we can fix our broken county and bring it back to it’s former glory!

Fmr. Councilman
Fmr. County Chairman
Fmr. County Executive
Speaker Pro TemporeAsh1835

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No support.

This is yet another statement on how the county government is so broke but no solutions have been given. I personally believe you had enough time during your past to fix things and establish measures that would make the county government more sustainable.

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ash did good for past ce but already supporting someone

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Support and Endorsed.

Chief Public Defender

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ok i support

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forced to support because of this

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lmao thanks jason

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Support, boat boy.