Arborfield City Council Elections

Position: City Council

Positions Available: [3]

Signature Deadline: March 10th

Election Sponsor: Mayor RevengeTheAviator


Collect ten (5) signatures on a support forum. The support forum cannot have been published prior to March 2nd

Election Rules:
⇒ Can only post one speech/manifesto/etc, and may not “bump” your thread more than once every two hours

⇒ Slander will result in disqualification

⇒ This is a secondary job.

⇒ Any twitter posts about a campaign will NOT result in a disqualification. The media is free to host polls or questions about this election.

⇒ Once ten (5) supports have been reached, the candidate needs to reply with their name and speech/manifesto/etc. This will officially place them on the ballot.

⇒ Any other rules specified by any law are applied here, including election laws

⇒ Campaigning begins on March 3rd
⇒ Campaigning continues from March 3rd, 2018 to March 10th, 2018.
⇒ Voting opens March 11th
⇒ Voting closes March 12th.
Winner announced shortly after and then they will be in office.

The reason for the mass gap in campaign/voting time is so a referendum can be held.


Best of luck to all that run. May only three win.


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