April Fools Resignation Scandles

All I’m going to say, April Fools or not, if you post, or think about posting a resignation due to April Fools, maybe you should actually resign.

It’s stupid, NOT funny what-so-ever, and just takes up space every-where you post it.

It’s not a game, and it’s not fun either.

Why waste the time to do it when;
a.) We know you’re not resigning, and ;
b.) We could care less about your joke that is WAY OVER-USED



ok april fools this is a joke post


Not only that but its hard to really tell if you are serious or not. Jokes are good and all but there is a time and place for that. Not for state related positions/ documents. Rockport was a great example, their Governor had declared war on Docklands as “an April fools joke” next thing you know the two states were actually at war.


Marshall got removed from being a DCJ cuz Chris recognized his resignation as official


and believe it or not, his statement actually seemed real

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I didn’t get removed dumbass

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T pose @MarshallJAddison

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Cuz he reversed it

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No one reversed it except me.

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wait you have the power to REVERSE your own resignation?


Constitutionally, that should not be allowed. This is on my judgement, not what’s REALLY the law. :man_shrugging:

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You cannot reverse a resignation


Who remembers the dude who said that he was “resigning” and he wanted his job back and it went into a battle

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canine didnt resign, he said “I hereby commit not resign”

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