"Anything For Firestone" Campaign Speech!

“Anything for Firestone” - Campaign Speech

FrancisHUnderwood & Sharkfish82 Campaign Speech

Table of Contents

Leadership within the Government
Education Policy Plan
State Government Policy Plan
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Legislative Branch


In reality, Firestone is filled with nothing else rather than a bunch of politicians who believe in nothing else rather than obtaining power. Positional seniority is their end goal, they care nothing about your interests and/or concerns. Ladies and gentlemen, as of right now I can officially tell you that this is going to be all over shortly. I am here to provide you with one message and one message only; We are are going to be fully ready and totally committed to fighting for our agenda, the interests of the people, and we will not stop until the job is done. After the elections are over with, I can most certainly tell you that we are going to reaffirm shared customs, traditions and values. We are going to make our state worth loving. We are going to celebrate the brave men and women in blue, and let’s not forget about those within the National Guard. Soon, we are going to be proud of what we will accomplish, cherish our constitution. We are going to fully protect your individual rights, reform law and order, and support the men and of law enforcement. It is finally time to rebuild this state, to take care of our people, and to fight for the jobs our great workers deserve, and that’s what we’re going to do. We believe, that every citizen has the right to live with dignity. Respect for Firestone demands respect for all of its people. Loyalty to our state requires loyalty to each other, we all share the same home, the same dreams and the same hopes for a better future. A wound inflicted upon one member of our community is a wound inflicted upon us all. When one part of Firestone hurts, we all hurt. And when one citizen suffers an injustice, all of Firestone suffers together. We’re all together. It’s time for us to follow the example of our brave law enforcement officers. No matter where they come from, no matter what faith they practice, they form a single unbreakable team. That’s what we are. We’re a team. As a community, we’re a team. They’re all united by their devotion to our country and to their mission. It’s time for all of us to remember that we are all on the same team. We are all citizens, and we all believe right now in Firestone. And it’s happening, and it’s happening fast. It’s all happening very fast. It’s called “Anything for Firestone”, you see what’s going on. I believe that it is a fundamental importance to our community that we take on job opportunity head on, so we can create functioning departments that actually serve a purpose that you have all been desperately begging for. We are going to end the election loophole, we are going to give the government more authority and crack down on elections so we can keep the people who have previously destroyed our state out! We are going to uphold the characteristics that make up a democracy so that we have a fair, organic society. Ladies and gentlemen, it was a great man who once said that although we can’t help everyone, everyone can try to help someone. That is the same mindset we have to have as a united community, a fixed state simply cannot fall from the sky, instead it has to be re-built from within the people, and this starts with you.

Leadership within the Government

The current reigning establishment that controls a majority of the State of Firestone is the exact same establishment that has continued to rip the people off. It is my belief that government interference only causes problems in the long run, and it is my at most goal to limit the size of the government in order to restore power to the people. Together, my administration and I are going to try our hardest to restore peace from within the streets by making sure both the judicial and legislative branch amounts to a progressful standard as well as limiting the amount of corruption and abuse that takes place on a daily basis by senior officials.

Education Policy Plan

The subjected idea of a Department of Education has been on the rise in the recent few months. Under my term, I want to ensure that the creation of the Department of Education is both efficient and profitable for everyone in Firestone. The Department of Education can and will be a crucial piece to the central infrastructure of the State of Firestone. Whether it comes down to ensuring that the promise of both job opportunity and availability stays sealed or benefiting off of new monitoring methods for subdivision agencies, the Department of Education will be a new, profound way of ensuring ultimate success from within the State of Firestone.

  • Under my term, I plan on establishing both beneficial and powerful internship programs that will allow citizens to jumpstart their careers into their desired job field. Those who do officially decide to participate will be met with many benefits such as the opportunity to learn from people who have more experience than them, not having to go through some of the long, boring standards that some of the others may have to, and much more.

  • The State of Firestone will always prioritize the interests of its citizens, especially those who may be convicted of misdemeanors and felonies. Under my term, I plan on destroying the illegalized corporate loopholes and making it easier for convicted felons to obtain “felony-friendly” jobs. I will always fight for the well-being of the people of the State of Firestone. Convicted felons will soon have the opportunity to work alongside with some of the most experienced, hard-working people of this great state and will not have to worry about being either unemployed or fired based on criminal record.

  • The Firestone Peace Officer Standards and Training is one of the most vital aspects of our state’s security. The work that these individuals put into this important component of our state will most definitely not go unnoticed. Under my administration, I plan on utilizing POST to build efficient, strong, demanding and unshakable law enforcement officers that will honorably protect and serve our community. Education is an important, driving key component when it comes to POST, in this case, education is literally everything it truly is. My administration will work tirelessly to bring out the authority in the created education department and push POST down to a sub-agency. We are going to extend POST’s authority and not only make it a law enforcement training program, but a subdivision training program. With the implementation of gang units, swat teams, and other miscellaneous, useful subdivisions, POST will become both the future of Firestone’s law enforcement and an important tool to the Department of Education.

State Government Policy Plan

With the current state of the government, things are beginning to become cramped. We cannot succeed as a state without proper judgment and planning, and that is why we are setting our ambitions extremely high to benefit not only ourselves but the people of the State of Firestone without directly serving ourselves. Under my term, I am going to reform the government and shape it into something that you have never seen before, we are going to do everything we can and will to uphold the single virtues that makeup democracy, we are going to defend your rights as citizens and most importantly, we are going to lift the State of Firestone into its grand era.

  • A government without proper communication outlets creates vast amounts of loopholes, and one of them is the fact that it enables the government to serve not only but themselves. During my tenure in office, I am going to create citizen-ran committees overseered by my office to ensure that frequently occurring problems with our state are being communicated with one another and solved as efficiently as possible. My administration, especially my chief of staff, will be using common media outlets for his and their advantage, to communicate with the public as best as possible. We are going to create and open up brand new social media accounts where you can come and ask questions and we will address them live to you. We’ll be opening up a brand new office where you can from now on request frequent meetings with the Governor and his administration, and we are going to most importantly keep a constant wire of communication between the different departments and agencies to the government and the people.

  • One of my administration’s biggest ambitions is the total restructuring of the Executive Branch. During my tenure, if elected I will be restructuring the Executive Branch to ensure transparency between departments, fewer disputes, and ensuring Departments are actively serving the people. The Executive Branch is one of the most viewed Branches in the State, it is very important. I will be working with Cabinet members to ensure that everything is smooth – department “conflicts” will not be tolerated at all. I will be ensuring that all departments work together perfectly. I will also be restructuring the Executive Branch to act more along the lines of the federal Executive Branch, this way my administration and I can work more cooperatively and professionally.
    One of our state’s biggest problems is the wild spread of fraud, abuse and corruption throughout the many different departments and agencies in firestone. Together, my administration is going to crack down to eliminate the chances of these criminal acts, as well as implement what we like to call the regulatory code. Upon the implementation of the regulatory code, every department will be required to draft and submit a codification of the general and permanent rules and regulations that will be later published in a state-wide register by the Executive Branch. My administration will also be requiring every department head to submit a monthly analytics report that displays any minor/major changes such as reforms that have been made towards the department, as well as departmental spending. In by doing so, we are going to decrease the size of the government after many thorough agency reviews, which means power can finally be put back in its rightful place, the people.

Executive Branch

The definition of ‘progression’ is the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state, and that is exactly how we want the executive branch to both to operate and function. Through the implementation of my agenda, my running mate and I are going to work hard to strengthen the executive branch’s core values. We are going to ensure the progression of the cabinet as a whole and crack down on both structure and social development. My administration and I are going to be restructuring the Executive Branch to ensure transparency between departments, fewer disputes, and ensuring Departments are actively serving the people. The Executive Branch is one of the most viewed Branches in the State, it is very important and will become more and more secure over time. I will be working with Cabinet members to ensure that everything is smooth – department “conflicts” will not be tolerated at all. I will be ensuring that all departments work together perfectly. During my tenure of Governor, I will be speaking with my team and current serving leaders of the majority of the departments as well as Congress to perform extensive restructuring of the Department of State. As past administrations have attempted to revive the Department of State and its many functions, several have failed. Under the correct guidance, we are going to make the effort to eliminate the chances of foreign conflicts, trade deals that in which rip off the civilian populous and other regulations that may damage the State of Firestone directly. As a united community that permits a strengthened, positive force, we must do everything in our power to always put ourselves before we put any other group in the grand image.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch is one of the most fundamental pieces of the government of Firestone. As a community, we must and will do everything that we can to be sure that both experienced, educated justices are being appointed to the courts as well as assure that law and order is being upheld by the correct individuals. One of my aims is to establish efficient communication between both the people and the Judicial Branch. Without the voice of the people, Firestone’s Department of Justice and Judicial Branch would ultimately be indistinguishable. My administration and I along with the Chief Justice will be working with full effort to ensure that speaking platforms are being made both in-game, throughout the community and on social media in order to give the people a voice within our courts. We are going to give our local law enforcement agencies more authority to conduct civil investigations and will be speeding up the progression inside of the justice department as a whole.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch is a key need for this State. My Administration will be working with the legislative branch to ensure my agenda regarding State Laws are shared and executed. The Legislature is an underlying important function of our democracy and our State. I will be working with the Legislative Branch to create a central “criminal code” for the State. Our laws are currently spread out, and disorganized in trello boards. I hope with the assistance of the Legislature we can create a central code to house our important laws of the State. I will be working in the interests of the People to make sure their voices are heard to the Legislature. I will be instructing my staff to issue a way to insert ideas and requirements for laws to give to the Legislature. I would also like to work with the Legislature Leadership to go over our agenda for the term, address issues between the branches and create a relationship.


As the foundation of the State of Firestone is built upon not only tenacious leaders but the people within the state as well, strengthened labor and hard work amongst the general population is the ultimate vision for success. Under my administration, we will be ensuring ultimate progression by keeping replacements within the cabinet to a minimum as several incumbent leaders have ultimately shown the public that they are capable and strong going towards their departments. In the events leading up to becoming elected, we would have two acting vacancies on our hands. Together, my administration and I are going to be communicating back and forth with both acting and former high command members of the Department of Commerce, as well as the people to ensure my nominee for the Department of Commerce is as beneficial as possible towards entrepreneurs interested in excelling in finance and industry. For the second vacancy, I will be nominating an experienced, long-time friend of mine to fill in as the Chief of Staff. TimothyConyers, an individual who has worked extensively within both many departments and the executive cabinet of NUSA, has worked on creating a positive image for my campaign over the past few months and has turned it from nothing to something great. Ultimately, I believe that he will become a useful, creative tool within my administration and has shown me he can be trusted to the highest level and without a doubt is an efficient, strong standing leader.

Policy & Agenda


  • Work extensively with the legislature on the implementation of a “Criminal Code”, a directory that in which would act as a database for crimes such as misdemeanors, felonies towards the state.
  • Nominate qualified court justices that will in which abide by the rule of law and the Constitution of the State of Firestone, including the right to bear arms.
  • Work with law-abiding gun owners to both defend themselves and crack down on the common rates of gun violence.
  • Expand and introduce programs that are similar to “Project Exile” that would enact towards the removal of both gang violence and violence against civilians.

Foreign Policy

  • Ensure the strength and capability of Firestone’s National Guard by boosting activity and having it respond more often to crisis’s within the State of Firestone.
  • Reform the process and evaluation of foreign entities and increase cooperation with foreign entities.
  • Advance Firestone’s own statewide interests, promote regional stability and produce an easing of tensions within other communities affiliated with our genre.
  • Rebuild the Firestone National Guard as well as Department of Homeland Security and enhance and improve intelligence operations.


  • Eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse within the many acting departments by implementing and reforming acting regulatory code.
  • Direct department heads to send in a sub-weekly and monthly situation and audit reports towards the Executive Branch in order to ensure that progress within the administration is being made.
  • End our most intrusive regulations that do nothing else rather than hurt the state as a whole.
  • Decrease the size of the government and innact power back towards the people by implementing social development changes and thorough agency reviews.
  • Work with members of Congress to create a congressional seniority reform for the benefit of better relations between the house and senate.
  • Establish a joint committee with members of the legislature and executive branch regarding everyday affairs and ongoing events between each branch.
  • Establish an efficient, workful amity between the Judicial Branch and Executive Branch.
  • Establish better communications between the Judicial Branch and Executive Branch to discuss shared agendas and proposals.
  • Have the Justice Department and Judicial Branch work closely in the events of prosecutions of notorious criminals.
  • Implement a(n) press corps serving directly under the executive branch with an acting press secretary leading over the implemented press corps as a benefit for civilian communication towards the office of the governor.

Jobs & Economy

  • Completely reform the Department of Commerce and turn it into a progressful, economical machine.
  • Reform the process of corporate entry and licensing into the Department of Commerce.
  • Create a functional stock market headed by the Department of Commerce and shared between the many business owners within the State of Firestone in order to increase the value of specific businesses.
  • Encourage civilians within the State of Firestone to open businesses with true meaning.
    Increase the acceptance rate of business proposals directed towards the Department of Commerce.
    Implement policy that cracks down on useless, inactive businesses serving no other purpose rather than to hurt the economy of Firestone.
  • Introduce new agencies, departments, and subdivisions in order to both lower the unemployment rate and promote the publicity of job opportunity.
  • After the reformation of the Department of State, implement trade negotiations with allied neighbors.


Ladies and gentlemen, in manifest the observation of a distinguished, reborn state is within our ultimate grasp. Since the beginning of this campaign, I outlined a bold vision for the State of Firestone. A state that works for every citizen, a state that fulfills its most fundamental promise of ensuring equal justice for all, and, most importantly a state that enables every citizen to reach their god given potential. Sadly, at the moment we don’t have the opportunities of being able to connect and reach out to other communities via the Department of State. The State of Firestone, that in which is so crammed, and which has the potential for the right guidance and leadership, needs to be carefully and thoughtfully cultivated and managed. It was a great man who once said that “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”, and with the correct, evaluated mindset from within the people of the State of Firestone, then only will we be perfectly capable of once and for all acting as a cooperative, organic society.

Join our campaign server!


Waaayyy toooo long of a speech,

thats all I had to say, lol, you looked at this hidden message?

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State Representative

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State Representative

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Ya know, for someone who wants to decrease the government’s influence you sure plan to create a lot of bureaucracy. Firstly, the judicial branch’s job is not to give a damn about what people think, nor should they. Their sole purpose is to interpret and enforce our laws/constitution. Unfortunately the vast, vast, vast majority of the population does not, nor is capable of, understanding that complexity of the justice system. Therefore, their opinions don’t really matter. If you encourage people to interfere in a system they don’t understand you’ll ruin that system. This is why judges aren’t elected. Secondly, there really isn’t that much corruption. The biggest spook recently was the FSPGate thing, and that’s not even really an incident of corruption, more of just unrest. Would be nice for say the DOJ to have s body to investigate things like that but we really can’t anymore, thanks Congress.

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@DannyboyJurist, in manifest, my administration’s perception and ultimate vision for the Judicial Branch of the State of Firestone is completely and most utterly bold. Although my beliefs and sentiments in reducing the portion of Firestone’s government remains robust, I believe you’re looking at the optics of this situation in a completely wrong way. Whenever I speak upon reducing the size of the government of Firestone, I simply mean restoring power into the rightful hands, not reshaping its authority over control.


why try

we both know buts and ovg gonna win

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I just trying to see why you thought that was a needed comment…

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Ya know, for someone who wants to decrease the government’s influence you sure plan to create a lot of bureaucracy. Firstly, the judicial branch’s job is not to give a damn about what people think, nor should they. Their sole purpose is to interpret and enforce our laws/constitution. Unfortunately the vast, vast, vast majority of the population does not, nor is capable of, understanding that complexity of the justice system. Therefore, their opinions don’t really matter. If you encourage people to interfere in a system they don’t understand you’ll ruin that system. This is why judges aren’t elected. Secondly, there really isn’t that much corruption. The biggest spook recently was the FSPGate thing, and that’s not even really an incident of corruption, more of just unrest. Would be nice for say the DOJ to have s body to investigate things like that but we really can’t anymore, thanks Congress .

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Was it necessary to copy my post sir

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Was it necessary to copy my post sir



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meh ur right

but fuck em LOL

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I would like assure everyone, during the drafting of this, my staff and I were going for a professional and realistic tone and usage of words. In no way will someone with a current felon be able to gain a job like another non-felon person. In this context, I was attempting to say that if a person who has a felony has an expungement, it will be easier for them to gain a job in Firestone.

I would like to assure everyone, I believe the National Guard is one of the most active and hard-working departments there is. During my wording, I was attempting to say that we will strengthen and bring more to the National Guard and bring more to their peacekeeping efforts. I apoligize if my wording suggested the FNG was inactive.

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Support and Endorsed

who has time to sign stuff tho?

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MDT service is already in effect for that, that plan just makes useless legislation imo- the criminal charge was already nullified before, why represent it again?

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As you may know, the speech that I released had some ridiculous ideas and plagiarism. I have deemed this entirely unacceptable on my behalf and disgusting. I take full responsibility for not reviewing the speech from the writers after it was ready for release. I was rushing to put it out to the public and I have made a mistake. Sharkfish and I have continued work on our old manifesto in hopes to release it tomorrow, which is completely typed by myself and shark. I hope these recent events do not affect whom you will be voting for.

This speech will be deleted and will not be counted towards my campaign or I.

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finally, i can delegate one of my slaves interns to do my paperwork for me
i got 55k saved up in the bank for that trip to the caribbeans, anyone want in?

oh yeah, support

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