Antwan for House of Representatives

Hello, All my fellow citizens of Firestone.

I am antwanmid and I am one proud Citizen of Arborfield. I have been elected into the Arborfield City Council as I am still a Councilman at this very moment.

I’ve seen plenty of representatives come in and out of this place. I plan to be one that makes a point like some others. If elected I will work with the citizens of Firestone and our law enforcement. I also want to be a part of the coming house in V3.

Main Actions:
My main action are just the plans I have in my first months of being in house. I plan to work with fellow congressman/woman to improve our house. To work with each other and not a part.

When you elect someone into house sometimes they don’t do what they told you, but I’ll make my plans come to life. If I make it into house I will fulfill my duties and promises as I am supposed.

Citizens that support me please state “Support” below.

Thank You,

discord: ! antwan#9710
ROBLOX: antwanmid






DyingSpring supports!

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gbsmfarms supports!

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do you have any actual plans or ideas

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No not really but i will once i get in to house.

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Overall, good speech, however…no support from me this time, but if you do eventually bring up what plans you have then i’ll support.


My plans are to work with my fellow congressman/women by making new bills and etc.

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no support

this is a big problem that people have, you say you will do things then dont do them

What haven’t I done?

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No support, not that I don’t like ya, it’s just you haven’t put what you plan to do once you get into the House of Representatives and thats what concerns me the most. Being a former member of the House myself, i would suggest defining more clearly what exactly you want to achieve in congress, not just i plan to work with my fellow congressmen/women.

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My plans will be known if elected into house.

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what plans do you have

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That is literally your job as prescribed by the constitution.

Your entire campaign is ‘I will do my job’.

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Yo make bills that are needed.

like WHAT