My name is Anthony_Nationn and I’ll be running for County Council. As a Councilman, my job would be to attend county sessions and make/propose County ordinance. My soul goal is to represent the people while a council member.
About me
I’ve Joined the State of Firestone in December 2018. Throughout my journey, I’ve been in many departments and have held a few government positions. I’m a former Deputy for the Stapleton County Sheriff Office, I’m also a former Trooper for the Firestone State Patrol. Currently, I am a Correctional Officer for the Firestone Department of Corrections and a State Senator.
- Strengthen Communication with County Government and the People.
- Strengthen Communication with the State and County government.
- Introduce County Ordinances.
- Look through current County ordinances.
- Amend / Nullify Current County ordinances.