An Amendment to CI.II.II and CI.III.II


SECTION 1: Article I of the State of Firestone Constitution shall be amended.

SECTION 2: Article I, Section II, Sub-Section II of the Constitution currently states, “Representatives admitted during a regular election shall serve a term of three months simultaneously. If there are below nine members within the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House shall be mandated to hold a special election to fill the vacant seats. After a period of three months, the Governor of the State of Firestone will be obligated to host new elections to replace all thirteen representatives. Representatives shall not be limited in the number of terms of office they may serve unless barred from said office.”

SECTION 2A: Article I, Section II, Sub-Section II of the Constitution shall be amended to state, “Representatives admitted during a regular election shall serve a term of three months simultaneously. If there are below nine members within the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House; or in the absence of the Speaker of the House, the Speaker pro tempore shall be mandated to hold a special election to fill the vacant seats. After a period of three months, the Governor of the State of Firestone will be obligated to host new elections to replace all thirteen representatives. Representatives shall not be limited in the number of terms of office they may serve unless barred from said office.”

SECTION 3: Article I, Section III, Sub-Section II of the Constitution currently states, “Senators admitted during a regular election shall serve a term of six months in a staggered form, consisting of an election every two months. If there are below seven members within the Senate, the President of the Senate shall be mandated to hold a special election to fill the vacant seat. After a period of two months, the President of the Senate will be obligated to host new elections to replace three members of the chamber, extending to four members every third election. Senators shall not be limited in the number of terms of office they may serve unless barred from said office.”

SECTION 3A: Article I, Section III, Sub-Section II of the Constitution shall be amended to state, “Senators admitted during a regular election shall serve a term of six months in a staggered form, consisting of an election every two months. If there are below seven members within the Senate, the President of the Senate; or in the absence of the President of the Senate, the President pro tempore shall be mandated to hold a special election to fill the vacant seat. After a period of two months, the President of the Senate will be obligated to host new elections to replace three members of the chamber, extending to four members every third election. Senators shall not be limited in the number of terms of office they may serve unless barred from said office.”

SECTION 4: This legislation shall be brought into law, given that it follows the procedures to do so, as outlined by the Constitution.

SECTION 5: Should any part of this legislation be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Chief Sponsor(s):

The Honorable wierdo25, President pro tempore


The Honorable CoolPilotCaio1, Speaker of the House

The Honorable ADMIRAL_RICKY, Speaker pro tempore

The Honorable PrettyMuchSwiss, Senator

The Honorable surfinpacific, Senator

The Honorable BlueLineEnforcement, Representative

The Honorable ConfussIed, Representative

The Honorable imagamerdud, Representative

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