An Amendment to Article III

PDF File to the Amendment

An Amendment to Article III

To allow the usage of Google Drive PDFs and Firestone Forums for subpoenas and warrants, and Trello cards for warrants.


SECTION 1: Article III of the Firestone Constitution, Section IV and Section VI shall be amended.

SECTION 2: Section IV shall be amended to: “Warrants may be either for the purpose of Arrest or for Search and Seizure. An Arrest Warrant permits and requires all Law Enforcement to continually arrest the person(s) in question until the warrant ends. A Search and Seizure Warrant permits and requires Law Enforcement to search the person(s) in question and their property, as well as seize any possessions that may link the person(s) in question to a crime. Any Law Enforcement Official may request a warrant. Only Judges of State Courts, composed of the Supreme Court, Appeals Court, and the District Court may issue warrants. A Law Enforcement request is not necessary for a Judge to issue a warrant. For a warrant to be issued, evidence must be provided proving the commission of a crime beyond doubt and the preferred duration of said warrant must be provided. No warrant may be for unjust purposes, and no warrant may be issued for an unnecessarily long period. All warrants must be made through a Google Drive PDF ([FIRESTONE] Example of PDFs.pdf - Google Drive) , a Firestone Forum(, or a legitimate Trello card signed by an actual or previous member of the Firestone judiciary on either of the following boards in the list “Warrants” or “Active Warrants”: Trello or Trello. All warrants must be made public information, evidence used for the justification and/or issuance of a warrant must not be classified and must be publicly accessible. All Law Enforcement are expected, permitted, and required to enforce warrants unless otherwise specified by the Judge that issued the warrant or the Chief Court Justice.”

SECTION 2A: Section VI shall be amended to: “The Judge of a court case is permitted to issue a subpoena and/or notice to appear via Google Drive PDF ([FIRESTONE] Example of PDFs.pdf - Google Drive) or Firestone Forum ( for any party in that court case and any witnesses or otherwise key players of a case with plausible reasoning. Subpoenas and notice to appears mandate the attendance to court of the individual in question called. Those that fail to show after having a subpoena or notice to appear issued may be held in contempt of court. However, no individual may have their attendance mandated by a subpoena or notice to appear without direct notice of at least seven (7) days prior to the trial, nor may any individual have their attendance mandated by a subpoena or notice to appear should they be on a valid inactivity notice.”

SECTION 3: The Congress and Governor of the State of Firestone will oversee this legislation.

SECTION 4: This legislation shall go into effect immediately after passing both chambers of Congress and being signed into law by the Governor.

SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsors:
Court Justice, thekerbal
Senator, SeanCityNavy

Chief Court Justice, floatmanjason
Court Justice (Associate Justice of the Supreme Court), SharpEyeJay
Court Justice, Andorks
Middle Class Citizen (State Prosecutor), TitanNation