An Amendment for Clarification in Article I and the Establishment of Upkeep in the Preamble


SECTION 1: Article I of the State of Firestone Constitution shall be amended.

SECTION 2A: Article I, Section II, Subsection I shall be amended to state:
“The House of Representatives shall be recognized as the lower chamber of Congress and shall consist of thirteen citizens elected by the people of the State of Firestone.”

SECTION 2B: Article I, Section II, Subsection VI shall be amended to state:
“The House of Representatives may draft and ratify its own standing rules and procedures with an internal resolution with a simple majority vote of its members.”

SECTION 2C: Article I, Section III, Subsection I shall be amended to state:
“The Senate shall be recognized as the upper chamber of Congress and shall consist of ten citizens elected by the people of the State of Firestone.”

SECTION 2D: Article I, Section III, Subsection II shall be amended to state:
“Senators admitted during a regular election shall serve a term of six months in a staggered form, consisting of an election every two months. If there are below seven members within the Senate, the President of the Senate shall be mandated to hold a special election to fill the vacant seat. After a period of two months, the President of the Senate will be obligated to host new elections to replace three members of the chamber, extending to four members every third election. Senators shall not be limited in the number of terms of office they may serve unless barred from said office.”

SECTION 2E: Article I, Section III, Subsection V which states: “The Senate shall draft and ratify its own standing rules and procedures with an internal resolution with a simple majority vote of its members.” shall be repealed.

SECTION 2F: Article I, Section III, Subsection VI shall be amended to state:
“The Senate may draft and ratify its own standing rules and procedures with an internal resolution with a simple majority vote of its members.”

SECTION 2G: Article I, Section III, Subsection VII shall be amended to state:
“The Senate shall hold the sole power of confirming executive nominations through a simple majority vote.”

SECTION 2H: Article I, Section III, Subsection VIII shall be added to state:
“The Senate shall hold the sole power of ratifying or nullifying treaties through a supermajority vote and may nullify executive agreements through a supermajority vote.”

SECTION 2I: Article I, Section IV, Subsection I shall be amended to state:
“The House of Representatives and the Senate shall be vested with the power to pass legislation and to establish minimum and maximum sentences or punishments for the violation thereof. Congress shall not pass any bill of attainder.”

SECTION 2J: Article I, Section IV, Subsection III shall be amended to state:
“If any bill shall not be signed or returned with objections by the Governor within five days after it has been passed by Congress, the bill shall become law in the same manner if they had signed it.”

SECTION 2K: Article I, Section VI, Subsection V shall be amended to state:
“When trying impeachments, the Senate shall review the charges brought by the House of Representatives and any evidence or witnesses, with the presiding officer holding a vote to convict the impeached party with a supermajority vote. While sitting as a triers of impeachment, Senators shall be administered an oath of impartiality. Should the chamber fail to convict the impeached party, they shall be considered acquitted of all charges before the Senate, however, shall not be disqualified from being subject to indictment, trial, judgement, and punishment according to the law for the charges brought during impeachment. Should the impeached party be convicted, they shall be subsequently removed from office and barred from holding future public office until the end of the current gubernatorial term.”

SECTION 3: The Preamble of the State of Firestone Constitution shall be amended to state:
“We, the People of the State of Firestone and our posterity, to ensure the foundation of a wholly perfect and unified state, commit ourselves to this Constitution as a beacon of hope for the liberty, security, and future successes of the People.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the highest governing documents in the State of Firestone. Any and all documents, regulation, and standards passed by any City, County, Legislature, Court, or other governmental entity must not disobey the Constitution or Bill of Rights nor try to go above the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

No one is above the law, regardless of status within society: those who break any law as set out in this Constitution or the Bill of Rights shall be prosecuted accordingly.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights may be amended by Congress, composed of the Senate and House of Representatives, with a super-majority (2/3) vote from both chambers.

The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, Chief Court Justice, and any other citizen chosen by any of the preceding individuals must establish and maintain an accurate reflection of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and their respective amendments through any publicly accessible means.“

SECTION 4: In the case that a section of the State of Firestone Constitution conflicts with this amendment, the portion of the amended section that is in conflict shall not take effect until the conflict is remedied through additional amendments.

SECTION 5: This amendment shall go into effect upon completion of the constitutional process required for constitutional amendments.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsors:

Speaker of the House FIoatmanjason


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