Mr. Jackfruitsim for himself, Representative SirArtemisMarshall, Representative EndocryneIndex, Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives Mega_Goalie16, Speaker of the House ADMIRAL_RICKY, Representative Baconman1499, Senator cooldudesub
Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled
§1. Title
(a) This act shall be known, and may be cited as, “An Act to Revamp Contempt of Congress”
§2. Enactment
(a) This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon completing the processes constitutionally required.
§3. Severability
(a) Should any part of this Act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.
§4. Definitions
(a) For the purposes of this Act, the Firestone Criminal Code as described by the Criminal Code Revision Act (R) shall be defined as: Firestone Criminal Code | Trello
§5. Amendments
(a) Chapter 6 §2 of the Firestone Criminal Code currently states:
(a) The act of contempt of Congress shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.
(a1) Contempt of Congress shall be the act of obstructing the proceedings of the State Legislature, or obstructing a committee inquiry, given that such a committee is recognized in law. Any person summoned before Congress willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to the question under inquiry (and not protected under the right against self incrimination), shall be guilty of this offense. Before a Congressional witness may be convicted of contempt, it must be established that the matter under investigation is a subject which Congress has the power under law to legislate.
(for the sake of this legislation, contempt of congress shall be a criminal offense that a member of (cgoc) congress can prosecute, if they want they can have DOJ do it)
(b) Chapter 6 §2 of the Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended to state :
(a) The act of contempt of Congress shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.
(a1) Contempt of Congress shall be the act of obstructing the proceedings of the State Legislature, or otherwise impeding them from carrying out their duties. Anyone who is on the floor of either chamber of Congress during an ongoing session who fails to adhere to the directions or orders of the Presiding Officer or of anyone allocated the authority and responsibility of maintaining order at least thrice shall be guilty of this offense.
(a2) The Presiding Officer of either chamber of Congress may refer an individual to the Department of Justice to be prosecuted for this offense, or Congress may pass a joint-resolution referring an individual to the Department of Justice to be prosecuted for this offense.