An Act to Protect Prominence Government Operations (R)

An Act to Protect Prominence Government Operations (R)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress here assembled,

§1. Title

(a) This act shall be known as, and may be cited as, “An Act to Protect Prominence Government Operations”.

§2. Enactment

(a) This act shall go into effect immediately upon completing the constitutionally required processes. Should any part of this legislation be declared unconstitutional or otherwise struck down, the rest shall remain in effect unless all is struck down or declared unconstitutional.

§3. Definitions

(a) The Firestone Criminal Code shall be defined as this.

§4. Amendment

  1. Chapter 3, section 8, subsection b22 does not yet exist, but shall be created and shall state, “Entering into the areas marked in yellow in this screenshot, without proper clearance from authorized personnel of the District of Prominence government.

Chief Sponsor
Representative & Mayor T_xom

Speaker Pro Tempore MattSixtyNin
Representative the_rpman

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