An act to make Reckless Endangerment a charge


January 26th, 2024

Chief Sponsor(s): Representative the_rpman

Co-Sponsor(s): Speaker Pro Tempore MattSixtyNin

§1. Title

(a) This bill shall be known, and may be cited as, the “An act to make Reckless Endangerment a charge.”

§2. Enactment

(a) This Bill shall go into effect upon completing the processes constitutionally required.

§3. Severability

(a) Should any part of this Bill be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

§4. Enforcement

(a) This Bill shall be enforced by any relevant parties.

§5. Definitions

(a) The Firestone Criminal Code (FCC) shall be defined here

§6. Simplifications

(a) Chapter 4, Section 27, of the FCC does not currently exist, but it shall be added and it shall be named “Reckless Endangerment.” It shall be a Class C Misdemeanor and carry a sentence of 250-400 seconds in a correctional facility.

(b) Chapter 4, Section 27, subsection a of the FCC does not currently exist, but it shall be added and it shall state, “(a) The act of Reckless Endangerment shall be recognized as an unlawful criminal offense within the State of Firestone.”

(c) Chapter 4, Section 27, subsection a1 of the FCC does not currently exist, but it shall be added and it shall state, “(a1) Negligent or reckless behavior while operating a vehicle shall be the act of operating a vehicle in a manner that disregards the risk of harm to others, exhibiting a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in similar circumstances. This includes excessive speeding (80+ SPS over the speed limit), failing to yield to pedestrians, and actions that result in substantial risk of injury or damage to persons or property.”

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