yes agreed, which is what parrot said
so basically all were saying is add a ammo dealer at the range
that could be incorporated. basically a dealer but only for ammo.
big John with his lemonade stand on the tailgate of his F150 with ammo crates being sold at paths gun prices…this is what we need, true American @anon54114525
john is truly a patriot
i am me
i support this idea if you had to pay for the ammo
Heart post to support.
between CRT truck, FNG humvee, and all the LEO stations i already have free ammo on the go.
and id say its fair if im paying for it
Me want ammo ooga boga
have a npc that works around cd selling candy and a lil smthing extra
i think this idea means if u wanna go shoot at the range, it’s more convenient. cause if u run out of ammo at the range u gotta drive back to paths, refill, then go back. but with this u can just be in one spot
@anon54114525 lovely idea