Amended Version

An Amendment to a Joint Resolution to Establish the Judiciary Review Committee


Section 1: This resolution will establish a Judiciary Review Committee that shall involve the branch heads of the legislative branch (‍Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House), and the Judicial Branch.

Section 2: The Judiciary Review Committee shall have a minimum of (2) two justices and a maximum of (5) five justices part of the judicial branch. It will be the Chief Court Justice who shall select the justices part of the judicial branch to be part of the Judiciary Review Committee. The Chief Court Justice may also dismiss justices from the Judiciary Review Committee. The Chief Court Justice shall be one of the members among the Judiciary Review Committee.

Section 2A: The Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House shall be the Chairman/Chairwoman of the Judiciary Review Committee. Both the Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House shall oversee all the proposals (bills and resolutions) made within their respective chamber. All proposals made within the House of Representatives and Senate will be gathered by the Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House of their respective chamber and shall be sent to the Judiciary Review Committee. The Speaker Pro Tempore shall also gather all proposals (bills and resolutions) should the Speaker of the House be absent. The President Pro Tempore shall also gather all proposals (bills and resolutions) should the Lieutenant Governor be absent. Expulsions, and impeachments will not need to go through the Judiciary Review Committee. Resolutions that focus on vacating will also not need to go through the Judiciary Review Committee.

Section 2B: The task of the justices on the committee will be to determine if each proposal (bill, resolution) within either chamber of the legislative branch is constitutional and does not go against any laws. The Judiciary Review Committee shall mainly focus on debating each proposal to determine if it is constitutional. The Judiciary Review Committee shall refrain from showing opposition or favor of the proposal being debated on.

Section 2C: The justices on the Judiciary Review Committee shall conduct votes on each proposal to declare that the piece being introduced is constitutional or unconstitutional. All votes shall require a (⅔) supermajority of the Judiciary Review Committee in order to pass. Votes on all proposals sent to the Judiciary Review Committee will have a twenty-four hour voting period. The proposal will automatically pass the Judiciary Review Committee should no justice vote on the proposal after twenty-four hours. Proposals (bill, resolutions) that are amended (amended while being tabled or amended through a motion) in the author’s respective chamber shall be sent to the Judiciary Review Committee to be voted on to determine if the amended proposal is constitutional or unconstitutional. The amended proposal shall be sent to the author’s respective chamber to be voted upon should the amended proposal pass the Judiciary Review Committee. The Judiciary Review Committee shall have a maximum of (5) five hours to vote on the amended proposal or else it shall automatically pass. All votes on amended proposals shall require a (1/2) simple-majority of the Judiciary Review Committee in order to pass. The amended proposal shall be sent back to the author’s respective chamber for amends should the amended proposal fail to get passed the Judiciary Review Committee. The voting format will go as the following: (Aye) Constitutional - (Nay) Unconstitutional. Aye (Constitutional) votes on a proposal shall be defined as agreeing that the proposal being introduced is constitutional and should move out of committee and into the author’s respective chamber. Nay (Unconstitutional) votes on a proposal shall be defined as agreeing that the proposal being introduced goes against the constitution and should be sent back to the author for amends.

Section 2D: The proposal shall be sent to the author’s respective chamber to be presented should it be declared constitutional (successfully gets passed the Judiciary Review Committee). The proposal shall not prevail and will be sent back to the author of the proposal should the proposal be declared unconstitutional (fails to get passed the Judiciary Review Committee).

Section 3: This resolution shall be enforced by the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, and the Chief Court Justice.

Section 4: This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon passing both chambers of Congress.

Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone Congress,


Speaker. Virginian_State

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