I believe non-POST certified COs should be given access to the PRMY radio channel in order to request aid from Law Enforcement or FD if needed. Personally, I don’t see why they don’t in the first place as public employees such as DPW and DOT have access, but COIIs who deal with violent felons, occasional break ins, medical calls, etc. don’t have access. The amount of times where COIIs are alone on duty and have no way of contacting LEOs or FD because they are on PRMY shouldn’t happen at all. It is not safe, nor reliable to expect COIIs to rely on COI+ to contact relevant resources if necessary.
An anecdotal experience from recently, I had a violent inmate cause harm to myself and another inmate. The inmate requested medical attention, but unfortunately I had to deny their request because all medical personnel where on PRMY and not SCFD (I at least get access to that). Eventually I caught them in SCFD while they were on a call and requested medical but by that time the inmate was released in the middle of the RP scene.