Add a respawn button for imates when time is up for better role play!

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when are we able to cook? you also can’t just “escape”, DOC have automatics and spray the inmate down, or tase with the unlimited carts & no timer tasers.


they don’t just fucking shoot you, where have you seen them spraying down a inmate for attempting to escape, if they’re attempting to escape you’re trying to CATCH them not fucking kill them, their plan is to either DIE or ESCAPE ALIVE when they escape prison.


can you realize that we’re playing a game, people “should be RPing”. and not everything has to 100% resemble IRL. you have to understand that we’re all playing for the enjoyment of the game. in the end of the day, people like you who say “its their choice to rp” is what makes the game unenjoyable, making them leave the community.

if everything isn’t allowed for felons, there won’t be any criminals, meaning LEOs will be useless. all you’ll see are rammers (like there is now, but worse.)

but what can we do you’re acting as if this is irl & not a game we should be enjoying. /s

  1. gonna have to ask hicomm about that but I’m ok with letting criminals visit, although i remember a time when we let you visit kayy and you jumped on the roof
  2. it’s only for escaping and it’s like for a week, it probably should never be more then a week or a perm blacklist
  3. we aren’t supposed to shoot you unless you get out prison walls and like every doc wants the ability to shoot escaping inmates i got yelled at when i forgot to put it in the bill

this. i also dont have a problem with letting criminals visit, but my guidelines say no. and i cant break those guidelines. cause id like to stay employeed.


my apologies then


it’s ok lol it was fun getting u off the roof